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SLD Math
SLD Math Professional Learning
Upcoming Trainings - Webinar Series: What About Maths?
Part I: Let’s Get Vertically Aligned in Maths: Student Support Strategies that Promote Conceptual Understanding Across the Grades
- Exploring how to best support students’ conceptual development.
- Deepening teacher understanding of vertical alignment and content progressions of multiplication (including fractions!) across the grades.
- Investigation tasks as effective student interventions.
What: - Two 45-minute webinars
Access Part 1 Training Videos:
- Elementary Focus: Let’s Get Vertically Aligned in Maths: Student Support Strategies that Promote Conceptual Understanding Across the Grades
- Secondary Focus: Let’s Get Vertically Aligned in Maths: Student Support Strategies that Promote Conceptual Understanding Across the Grades
Part II: Let’s Get Vertically Aligned in Maths: Student Support Strategies that Promote Conceptual Understanding Across the Grades
- Deepening teacher understanding of vertical alignment and content progressions of numeracy of integers across the grades.
- Investigating how differentiation impacts student learning.
- Exploring structured thinking tools that promote consistent and cohesive learning.
What: - Two 45-minute webinars
- Elementary Focus: Wednesday March 5, 2025, from 4:00 to 4:45pm
- Secondary Focus: Thursday March 6, 2025, from 4:00 to 4:45pm
Webinar Series: What About Maths? Flyer (PDF)
Where: Virtual Series - Join us for the Webinar Series: What About Maths? (A Zoom link will be sent after registration)
SLD Math Resources
CDE Math Curriculum Support Menu
- Mathematics Support ESSER K-8 Mathematics Curricula Grant Program
- Tools for Curriculum Evaluation and Adoption
- High-Quality Instructional Materials for Mathematics
- Coherence Gap Spreadsheet
- Mathematics Pathways, Accelerating Learning, and Credit Recovery
- District Sample Curriculum Project
- Mathematics Home
National Organizations/Websites
Archived Math Professional Development
Jump to Math Professional Development:
These 8 modules follow the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' (NCTM) book Principles to Action and presents information about math instruction for struggling learners including students with SLD. These modules are a great resource for Professional Learning Communities (PLC) or for coaching purposes.
Access the Principles to Action modules.
Building Mathematical Classroom Practices that Promote Perseverance, Resilience, and Confidence
Two 45-minute live webinars that will address what obstacles teachers are facing in the classroom, building trust in the classroom, and scaffolding and planning intentionally to support students with developing perseverance, resilience, and confidence.
Participants will:
- Explore specific strategies that will encourage students to develop skills that promote mathematical resilience.
- Investigate how intentional lesson planning with appropriate scaffolding can directly impact the students' mathematical confidence.
View Elementary Focus Webinar on Building Mathematical Classroom Practices
View Secondary Focus webinar on Building Mathematical Classroom Practices
Maths and ChatGPT – Possibilities, Plans and Problems!
Two 45 minute archived webinars address what potential possibilities AI has for students and teachers in the mathematics classroom that will support student learning and teacher practices including lesson preparation and delivery.
These webinars will focus on:
- An introduction to and understanding of basic uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) using ChatGPT.
- Exploring how to use ChatGPT effectively in the math classroom.
- Discussing best practices regarding the use of AI in math education.
View Elementary Focus webinar of Maths and ChatGPT
View Secondary Focus webinar of Maths and ChatGPT
Let’s Talk Mathematics! Encourage and support students to think, talk, and learn about mathematics in a safe space!
These two 45 minute webinars will address how to facilitate student engagement through mathematical discourse for deeper learning.
Webinar Objectives:
- Develop teacher questioning skills that will support, rather than sabotage, student learning.
- Learn how to research-based practices encourage student discourse.
- Examine strategies for facilitating classroom discussion that will increase conceptional understanding.
View the Elementary Focus webinar of Let's Talk Mathematics!
View the Secondary focus webinar of Let's Talk Mathematics!
Accessing Mathematics through Distance Learning
This 90 minute recorded webinar addresses accessing mathematics through digital distance learning for elementary students with math difficulties and disabilities.
View the Elementary-Level Accessing Elementary Mathematics through Digital Distance Learning
View the Secondary-Level Accessing Secondary Mathematics through Digital Distance Learning
Now. Wow! What's Next?
Two 45 minute recorded webinars regarding the use of digital tools for accommodations design to enable struggling learners to access grade-level content.
View the Elementary-Level Now. Wow! What's Next webinar
View the Secondary-Level Now. Wow! What's Next webinar
Supporting Positive Math Identities for Middle School Students with SLD
This 90-minute webinar will discuss:
- What are some effective instructional strategies for middle school maths?
- How do we help struggling students develop positive math identities?
- How can we support the learning of data analysis and probability?
- How can we support and promote mathematical communities at school and at home?
View Supporting Positive Math Identities for Middle School Students with SLD
Supporting K-5 Students with Math Difficulties & Disabilities
This 90-minute live webinar will address K-5 math instructional strategies for students with math difficulties and disabilities. This webinar will focus on answering the following questions:
- How do we design developmentally appropriate K-5 instruction?
- How do we help struggling students develop positive math identities?
- What? Algebra in K-5?
- How can AT support remediation and compensation?
View Supporting K-5 Students with Math Difficulties & Disabilities
This 90 minute recorded webinar addresses the why and what of math difficulties and disabilities experienced by elementary and secondary students.
View Addressing Math Difficulties and Disabilities
A series of five one-hour webinars geared toward increasing the educational effectiveness of K-12 teachers responsible for educating students with disabilities and at-risk concerns in the area of math. This series was be presented by Dr. Brad Witzel.
View Math Series for Struggling Learners
For more information, please contact:
Emily Ottinger
Specific Learning Disability Specialist
Email Emily Ottinger
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