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Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Every child with a disability who attends public school and receives special education and related services must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP).  An IEP is a document uniquely designed for one specific student, with the intention of improving educational results for that child.  Each IEP must be created in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and, in Colorado, the Exceptional Children’s Education Act (ECEA).

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Parent/Family Icon  Parent Resources

Parent-specific information regarding the IEP process.

Extended School Year (ESY)

This pamphlet defines and explains Extended School Year services for the parents of a child with disabilities.

IEP Process Procedural Guidance

The IEP Procedural Guidance document was revised the summer of 2017 and incorporates suggestions from directors and ESSU professionals. Content was not changed.

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Extended School Year Determination Webinar

Extended School Year refers to special education and related services provided in accordance with a child's IEP, but which are provided beyond the normal school year at no cost to the child's parent(s).

IEP Review

This form to be used for annual review meetings


These forms (Microsoft Word: English/Spanish) to be used for eligibility determination meetings including initial and triennial reviews.

Determination of Eligibility:

House Bill 11-1277 amended the Exceptional Children’s Education Act (ECEA) to align Colorado’s eligibility categories with corresponding federal terms and requirements and/or terminology used in the field. This legislation was passed in May 2011, with the disability category and eligibility language taking effect on October 30, 2012.

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Disability Categories and Eligibility Criteria

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Supporting Documents

These supplemental forms support the special education process.

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Additional IEP Resources

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Contacts For More Information:

Kerry Whitmore
DirectorGeneral Supervision and Monitoring
Email Kerry Whitmore

Nick Smosna
Supervisor, General Supervision and Monitoring
Email Nick Smosna

Zack Van Sant 
SPED Monitoring and Technical Assistance Consultant 
Email Zack Van Sant 


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