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Contact the Educator Talent - Licensing Office
eLicensing Technical Assistance for the Colorado Online Licensing System (COOL):
Call 877-314-1412
Submit Online Support Form
Questions and Support About Educator Preparation & Licensure Requirements:
Submit Licensing Support Requests Form
Call 720-739-3304
Phone hours: 7:30am-12:30pm, Monday-Friday
Please Note: Multiple requests clog the system and create confusion.
- So that we may serve you quickly, if you've submitted a support request, do not call or submit another help ticket until we have responded to your first request.
- If you have left a voicemail, do not also submit a support request. This will ensure your inquiry is assigned to a single point-of-contact and eliminate duplicate requests and unnecessary work.
- If you have a pending application in the COOL system, please respond to your evaluator's request via COOL.
General Enforcement and Background Inquiries
Mailing Address:
(Please note: Before mailing us anything, we do not accept documents that pertain to an application or credential; they must be uploaded via your COOL account.)
Educator Talent, 201 East Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80203
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