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SLD Eligibility

Specific Learning Disability Guidelines and Rules

Guidelines for Identifying Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (PDF)

The guidelines above provide specific guidance in the implementation of the eligibility criteria and identification process for identifying students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Colorado.

Specific Learning Disability Quality Indicators 

The Specific Learning Disability Quality Indicators (QI) offer guidance to educators and administrators when developing, implementing, and evaluating quality programming and services for students with a Specific Learning Disability (SLD). The Quality Indicators (QIs) have been designed to be used as a tool to assist those who education and provide services to students with an SLD or those evaluating these programs. The QIs were designed to provide baseline data that can be used to establish an action plan and in turn, monitor the improvement of programming. This guide identifies four domains to consider for effective programs: collaboration, evaluation and IEP, instruction, and positive student culture.

Quality Indicator Tool for Specific Learning Disabilities Programming (Excel)


Using the Building Blocks of Brain Development to Assess and Support Students with SLD

The following eLearning series presents the Building Blocks of Brain Development as a framework for building a body of evidence for SLD eligibility and to inform IEP development. These courses are free and can be accessed as a guest via the CDE Learning Management System. If you would like to take these courses for CDE PD credit hours, subscribe to the SLD listserv to receive information about registering for these courses. Registration opens in January, May and August for the spring, summer and fall sessions. To subscribe to the SLD listserve, send an email to

Use the buttons below to join as a guest

Oral Expression & Listening Comprehension

After watching this 20 minute meeting participants will be able to accurately compare and contrast SLD - Oral Expression and Listening Comprehension, Developmental Delay (DD) and Speech or Language Impairment (SLI).

Access Oral Expression &
Listening Comprehension Webinar

SLD Technical Assistance (TA) Documents

IEP Forms (related to SLD)

Multi Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS)

Determining a child’s response to scientifically, researched-based intervention as required in the identification of a Specific Learning Disability. Response to Intervention as a statewide systems’ reform initiative is being promoted across the Colorado Department of Education to improve learning results for ALL students, not just those who may be identified as having a Specific Learning Disability. A comprehensive Multi-Tiered System of supports includes both Response to Intervention and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) frameworks. For more information on Colorado MTSS, please visit see the following links:

Other Resources

For more information, please contact:

Emily Ottinger
Specific Learning Disability Specialist
Email Emily Ottinger

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