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Improving Mathematics Outcomes in K-12 (House Bill 23-1231)
The Colorado General Assembly passed House Bill 23-1231 in April 2023 and it was signed into law on May 15. The legislation seeks to improve outcomes in pre-kindergarten through twelfth-grade mathematics by implementing supports to accelerate achievement. Through this legislation, Colorado Department of Education (CDE) aims to empower educators with resources and practices that foster excellence in teaching mathematics through top-tier materials, supporting high-quality instruction and offering grants and funding opportunities to elevate math education across the state.
No-Cost Professional Development: Colorado Department of Education is offering Powerful Practice: Evidence-Informed Math Teaching, an asynchronous professional development opportunity aimed to enhance mathematics instruction for educators across the state. The course is ideally suited for K-12 educators, interventionists, curriculum specialists, out-of-school time professionals teaching math, school principals and facilitators looking to lead professional learning communities within their educational setting or region. Participants can expect:
- Fourteen, 1-hour modules to support educators in teaching students in grades K-12, with attention paid to teaching students who are below grade level or struggling in math, children with disabilities and students who are English language learners
- A focus on critical math concepts and evidence-informed practices to improve student outcomes
- Opportunities for reflection and planning to promote instructional growth
High-Quality Materials
Additional Initiatives
Continued Implementation by the Colorado Department of Education
Stay informed about forthcoming resources and initiatives to be introduced by the Colorado Department of Education as part of our commitment to House Bill 23-1231. These upcoming resources will provide educators with an integrated system of supports, including training in mathematics for elementary and secondary educators, independent reviews of instructional material, assessments and intervention resources, technical assistance for rural local education agencies and additional requirements for licensure endorsements in mathematics.
- Subscribe to the CoMath Listserv for information to support quality mathematics education in Colorado and updates regarding House Bill 23-1231.
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