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Deaf-Blind: Selected Topic Fact Sheets
Deafblind - Selected Topic Fact Sheets
All Documents in PDF | *Available in Español
Assistive Technology: Low Vision / Listening Devices
- Promoting the Wearing of Hearing Aids (NV)
- Promoting the Wearing of Glasses (NV)
- Strategies for Using Voice Output Communication Devices (CA)(PDF)
- Building Trusted Relationships: A Practice Guide (NCDB)
- Choices at the Swimming Pool (or in the Bath) (NV)
- Coactive Signing (Project SALUTE) (PDF)
- Communication: What Are They Trying To Tell Me? (CA)(PDF)
- Conversation Boxes (NV)
- Choosing and Using Tactile Name Cues (CA)(PDF)
- Creating a Need to Communicate (CA)(PDF)
- How to Create a Communication Dictionary (CA)(PDF)
- Object Communication and Object Calendars (CA)(PDF)
- Receptive Communication (NCDB)
- Strategies for Creating Communication-Rich Environments (CA)(PDF)
- Strategies for Using Voice Output Communication Devices (CA) (PDF)
- Teaching Body Language (CA) (PDF)
- Tips for Improving the Accuracy of Signed Communication (CA) (PDF)
- Touch Cues (CA) (PDF)
- Tactile Signing (Project SALUTE) (PDF)
Deaf / Hard Of Hearing : Causes, Types, And Symptoms Of Hearing Loss
Instructional Strategies
- Incorporating Active Learning Theory Into Activity Routines (TX) (PDF)
- Likes and Dislikes Chart (WA) (PDF)
- Making Changes in Routines (CA) (PDF)
- Promoting Literacy Through Emergent Writing (NV)
- Routines (NCDB)
- Self Evaluation Guide for Assessing the Quality of Your Interactions with a Student Who is Deaf-Blind (CA) (PDF)
- Utilizing the Sense of Smell in Children and Youth with Deaf-blindness (CA) (PDF)
- Interveners - Things to Remember When Requesting an Intervener for Your Child (CA) (PDF)
- Open Hands, Open Access (OHOA): Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules (NCDB)
- The Intervener's Role and Responsibilities (NCDB) (PDF)
- The Intervener Motto - Do WITH and Not For (CA) (PDF)
- The Use of Interveners (CA) (PDF)
Non-Fact Sheet/Resource(s)
Medical / Health Of The Ears, Eyes, And Body
- Assessment for Hearing and Functioning of the Ear (Paths to Literacy) (PDF)
- Questions For Your Audiologist (NV)
- Questions for the Eye Doctor (NV)
- Questions To Ask Your Dentist (NV)
- Strategies of Minimizing the Risk of Sexual Abuse (CA) (PDF)
- Strategies for Successful Medical/Dental Appointments for Individuals with Deaf-blindness (CA) (PDF)
Movement / Orientation & Mobility
- Encouraging Exploration (CA) (PDF)
- The Importance of Orientation and Mobility Skills for Students Who Are Deaf-Blind (NCDB)
Parents And Families
Syndromes And Other Medical Conditions Associated With Deaf-Blindness
For more information about the Colorado Services for Children and Youth with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss project, please contact:
Tanni Anthony
Phone: (303) 503-4647
Email Tanni Anthony
Gina Herrera
Phone: (303) 253-0451
Email Gina Herrera
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