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Curriculum Overview Samples - Mathematics
Initial Samples Released January 31, 2013
Hello mathematics educators,
I am proud to present the k-12 mathematics curriculum samples created by Colorado educators. Working with facilitators Larry Brady (Garfield RE-2), Bev Tarpley (Cheyenne Mountain 12), Cassie Harrelson (Aspen 1), Gretchen Hazelwood (Douglas County RE 1), and Kate Canine (Poudre R-1) this past fall, over 40 educators came together to translate the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) into curriculum.
The template upon which all of the samples are based was designed and refined by Colorado educators to highlight what students should understand, know and be able to do at the end of a given unit (detailed description of the curriculum template components). There are some unique aspects to the mathematics samples at particular grade levels, which are documented in the bullet points below.
Together, these samples are intended to support districts’ transition to the CAS and the development of standards-based instructional practices by providing a voluntary resource for districts with possible options for sequencing the CAS across a course or year. Please click here to share your thoughts regarding the curriculum overview samples.
NEW RESOURCES! Instructional Unit Samples are now available for select overviews.
Acknowledgements: A special thank you to Turn-On CC Math, a web-based resource that supports interpreting the Common Core State Standards-Mathematics from the standpoint of student learning and conceptual development. The website has eighteen learning trajectories with descriptors, based on mathematics education research on student learning, and were developed to unpack the K-8 CCSS-M Standards for teachers and teacher educators in instructional planning, professional development, and teacher education. (Confrey, J., Maloney, A. P., Nguyen, K. H., Corley, A. H., Lee, K. L., Panorkou, N.(2011-2013). Turn On Common Core Math: Learning Trajectories for the K-8 Common Core Mathematics Standards. URL:
Dr. Mary Pittman
Math Content Specialist
Questions?: E-mail the Math Content Specialist
Update February 15, 2013. In the original posting of the Mathematics samples, we embedded what students should both know and be able to do, as a result of the teaching of a unit, in the skills section of the template. Feedback from the field, however, suggested that we specifically highlight and clarify these knowledge-skill connections. To accomplish this, we have slightly amended the "know and do" section to make the samples more accessible and user-friendly.
To learn more about the Math curriculum samples watch this presentation:
Mathematics Sample Curriculum Unique Attributes from eNetColorado on Vimeo.
Unique components in the math samples:
The unit strands for each unit overview are domains from the CCSS of mathematics.
The Standards for Mathematical Practices are included alongside the 21st Century Skills of the Colorado Academic Standards.
Personal financial literacy evidence outcomes for mathematics are embedded within the Key Skill sections and denoted by *.
The PARCC Model Content Frameworks informed the creation of the unit overviews and delineation of the high school standards into both traditional and integrated course sequences.
The learning trajectories from Turn-On CC Math supported the creation of generalizations throughout the K-8 unit overviews.
High School - Traditional
High School - Integrated
- 8th Grade (Word or PDF)
- 7th Grade (Word or PDF)
- 6th Grade (Word or PDF)
- 5th Grade (Word or PDF)
- 4th Grade (Word or PDF)
- 3rd Grade (Word or PDF)
- 2nd Grade (Word or PDF)
- 1st Grade (Word or PDF)
- Kindergarten (Word or PDF)
A special thank you to Turn-On CC Math, a web-based resource that supports interpreting the Common Core State Standards-Mathematics from the standpoint of student learning and conceptual development. The website has eighteen learning trajectories with descriptors, based on mathematics education research on student learning, and were developed to unpack the K-8 CCSS-M Standards for teachers and teacher educators in instructional planning, professional development, and teacher education.
Confrey, J., Maloney, A. P., Nguyen, K. H., Corley, A. H., Lee, K. L., Panorkou, N.(2011-2013). Turn On Common Core Math: Learning Trajectories for the K-8 Common Core Mathematics Standards. URL: www.TurnOnCCMath.nett.
The Colorado Sample Curriculum was written by and for Colorado educators as a way to understand and translate the state standards into curriculum. Users of the samples should feel free to copy, distribute and transmit the samples and to adapt them to fit their needs. Please honor the work of the Colorado educators that created these samples by providing them attribution. These samples were not intended for commercial purposes.
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