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Family and Community Guides to the 2009/2010 Colorado Academic Standards

In partnership with the Colorado PTA, family and community guides to the Colorado Academic Standards (in English and Spanish) have been created to help families and communities across Colorado better understand the goals and outcomes of the Colorado Academic Standards. The guides describe the “big picture” purpose of the standards, as road maps to help ensure that all Colorado students graduate ready for life, college, and careers. They also provide overviews of the learning expectations for each of the ten content areas of the standards and offer examples of educational experiences that students may engage in, and that families could support, during the school year. The guides are organized in multiple ways to support various needs. Click the links below to access specific grade level and content area guides.
En colaboración con la Colorado PTA, se crearon guías comunitarias sobre las Normas académicas de Colorado (en inglés y español) para ayudar a las familias y a las comunidades de todo Colorado a entender mejor las metas y los resultados de las Normas académicas de Colorado. Las guías describen el objetivo "global" de las normas, como planes de acción para ayudar a garantizar que todos los alumnos de Colorado egresen preparados para la vida, la universidad y las profesiones. Además ofrecen una visión de conjunto de las expectativas de aprendizaje de cada una de las diez áreas de contenido de las normas y proponen ejemplos de experiencias educativas en las que los alumnos pueden participar, y que las familias podrían apoyar durante el año escolar. La oficina de Normas y Apoyo Educativo (Standards and Instructional Support) trabaja actualmente con los educadores de Colorado y la Colorado PTA para crear documentos similares para los grados k-12.


The Arts Standards reflect the innate creativity and rigorous cognition, required to produce a work of art, all students deserve to experience. The standards challenge the elitist perception sometimes associated with the arts, asking all students to stretch their thinking and participate in the creative process inherent in each arts discipline (Know/Comprehend, Create, Perform/Present, and Refine/Critique).


  • High School Guides: Fundamental Pathway | Extended Pathway
  • Middle School Guides: 8th Grade | 7th Grade | 6th Grade
  • Elementary School Guides: 5th Grade | 4th Grade | 3rd Grade | 2nd Grade | 1st Grade | Kindergarten


  • Escuela secundaria guias: Modalidad básica | Modalidad ampliada escuela
  • Escuela intermedia guias: Octavo grado | Séptimo grado | Sexto grado
  • Escuela primaria guias: Quinto grado | Cuarto grado | Tercer grado | Segundo grado | Primer grado | Kindergarten

Drama and Theatre Arts

  • High School Guides, Fundamental Pathway:
  • Ensemble Building, Sketch Comedy, Acting Styles | Film/Media Arts | Scripted Works, Character Development, Technical Theatre
  • High School Guides, Extended Pathway: Ensemble Building, Sketch Comedy, Acting Styles | Film/Media Arts | Scripted Works, Character Development, Technical Theatre
  • Middle School Guides: 8th Grade | 7th Grade | 6th Grade
  • Elementary School Guides: 5th Grade | 4th Grade | 3rd Grade | 2nd Grade | 1st Grade | Kindergarten

Actuación y teatro

  • Modalidad básica escuela secundaria guias: Creación de grupos, comedia corta, estilos de actuación | Artes cinematográficas/mediáticas | Guiones, desarrollo de personajes, técnica teatral
  • Modalidad ampliada escuela secundaria guias: Creación de grupos, comedia corta, estilos de actuación | Artes cinematográficas/mediáticas | Guiones, desarrollo de personajes, técnica teatral
  • Escuela intermedia guias: Octavo grado | Séptimo grado | Sexto grado
  • Escuela primaria guias: Quinto grado | Cuarto grado | Tercer grado | Segundo grado | Primer grado | Kindergarten


  • High School Performance Guides: Band, Choir, or Orchestra (Ensemble) | Jazz Band (Ensemble) | Marching Band (Ensemble) | Piano or Guitar | Show Choir (Ensemble)
  • High School Generalist/Academic Guides: Music Appreciation | Music Theory
  • Middle School Guides: 8th Grade | 7th Grade | 6th Grade
  • Elementary School Guides: 5th Grade | 4th Grade | 3rd Grade | 2nd Grade | 1st Grade | Kindergarten


  • Escuela secundaria Performance guias: Banda, coro, orquesta (Grupo) | Banda de jazz (Grupo) | Banda de desfile (Grupo) | Piano o guitarra | Actuación del coro (Grupo)
  • Modalidad general/académica guias: Apreciación musical | Teoría musical
  • Escuela intermedia guias: Octavo grado | Séptimo grado | Sexto grado
  • Escuela primaria guias: Quinto grado | Cuarto grado | Tercer grado | Segundo grado | Primer grado | Kindergarten

Visual Arts

  • High School Guides: Visual Arts
  • Middle School Guides: 8th Grade | 7th Grade | 6th Grade
  • Elementary School Guides: 5th Grade | 4th Grade | 3rd Grade | 2nd Grade | 1st Grade | Kindergarten

Artes visuales

  • Escuela secundaria guias: A rtes visuales
  • Escuela intermedia guias: Octavo grado | Séptimo grado | Sexto grado
  • Escuela primaria guias: Quinto grado | Cuarto grado | Tercer grado | Segundo grado | Primer grado | Kindergarten

The Standards and Instructional Support team would like to thank Dr. Carla Aguilar, Dr. Patrick Fahey, Dr. Mary Schuttler, and Judi Hofmeister for their invaluable contributions to the family/community guides for grades six-12 in the Arts. Their expertise and content knowledge was instrumental in creating the guides and helping CDE better support all Coloradans engaged in the successful implementation of the Colorado Academic Standards.

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Comprehensive Health and Physical Education

The Comprehensive Health and Physical Education standards focus on personal decision-making around emotional and social well-being, positive communication, healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco, drug, and alcohol abuse prevention and violence prevention. The standards underscore important skills for navigating today’s society with its complex and often confusing messages around health, beauty, and happiness.

Comprehensive Health

  • High School Guides: Comprehensive Health
  • Middle School Guides: 8th Grade | 7th Grade | 6th Grade
  • Elementary School Guides: 5th Grade | 4th Grade | 3rd Grade | 2nd Grade | 1st Grade | Kindergarten

Salud integral

  • Escuela secundaria guias: Salud integral
  • Escuela intermedia guias: Octavo grado | Séptimo grado | Sexto grado
  • Escuela primaria guias: Quinto grado | Cuarto grado | Tercer grado | Segundo grado | Primer grado | Kindergarten

Physical Education

  • High School Guides: PE One | PE Two
  • Middle School Guides: 8th Grade | 7th Grade | 6th Grade
  • Elementary School Guides: 5th Grade | 4th Grade | 3rd Grade | 2nd Grade | 1st Grade | Kindergarten

Educación física

  • Escuela secundaria guias: Educación física uno | Educación física dos
  • Escuela intermedia guias: Octavo grado | Séptimo grado | Sexto grado
  • Escuela primaria guias: Quinto grado | Cuarto grado | Tercer grado | Segundo grado | Primer grado | Kindergarten

The Standards and Instructional Support team would like to thank Pam Gibble and Aprille Vasu for their invaluable contributions to the family/community guides for grades six-12 in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education. Their expertise and content knowledge was instrumental in creating the guides and helping CDE better support all Coloradans engaged in the successful implementation of the Colorado Academic Standards.

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The Mathematics standards compel us to make mathematics relevant to students by moving beyond mere answer getting to doing the work of mathematicians. The standards emphasize the development of students’ abilities to use mathematics to represent their lived experiences and to simplify and explain complex phenomena.

  • High School Guides: Algebra I | Algebra II | Geometry | Integrated I | Integrated II | Integrated III
  • Middle School Guides: 8th Grade | 7th Grade | 6th Grade
  • Elementary School Guides: 5th Grade | 4th Grade | 3rd Grade | 2nd Grade | 1st Grade | Kindergarten


  • Escuela secundaria guias: Álgebra I | Álgebra II | Geometría | Integrado I | Integrado II | Integrado III
  • Escuela intermedia guias: Octavo grado | Séptimo grado | Sexto grado
  • Escuela primaria guias: Quinto grado | Cuarto grado | Tercer grado | Segundo grado | Primer grado | Kindergarten

The Standards and Instructional Support team would like to thank Frederick Peck and Raymond Johnson for their invaluable contributions to the family/community guides for grades six-12 in Mathematics. Their expertise and content knowledge was instrumental in creating the guides and helping CDE better support all Coloradans engaged in the successful implementation of the Colorado Academic Standards.

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Reading, Writing, and Communicating

The Reading, Writing, and Communicating standards invite students to use texts to better understand others’ experiences in the world and to command language in order to articulate their own perspective on the human experience. The standards intentionally reflect the read-write connection and the relationship between critically consuming texts to build knowledge and producing texts to convey knowledge.

  • High School Guides: 12th Grade | 11th Grade | 10th Grade | 9th Grade
  • Middle School Guides: 8th Grade | 7th Grade | 6th Grade
  • Elementary School Guides: 5th Grade | 4th Grade | 3rd Grade | 2nd Grade | 1st Grade | Kindergarten

Lectura, escritura y comunicación

  • Escuela secundaria guias: Duodécimo grado | Undécimo grado | Décimo grado | Noveno grado
  • Escuela intermedia guias: Octavo grado | Séptimo grado | Sexto grado
  • Escuela primaria guias: Quinto grado | Cuarto grado | Tercer grado | Segundo grado | Primer grado | Kindergarten

The Standards and Instructional Support team would like to thank Jonathan Wright for his invaluable contributions to the family/community guides for grades six-12 in Reading, Writing, and Communicating. His expertise and content knowledge was instrumental in creating the guides and helping CDE better support all Coloradans engaged in the successful implementation of the Colorado Academic Standards.

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The Science standards reflect a new vision for science education that connects scientific knowledge, in authentic ways, to real-world problem solving and innovation. The standards forefront scientific practices that use and go beyond the inquiry process to arrive at reasoned and justifiable rationales for interpretations of phenomena/events.

  • High School Guides: Earth Science | Life Science | Physical Science
  • Middle School Guides: 8th Grade | 7th Grade | 6th Grade
  • Elementary School Guides: 5th Grade | 4th Grade | 3rd Grade | 2nd Grade | 1st Grade | Kindergarten


  • Escuela secundaria guias: Ciencias de la Tierra | Ciencias biológicas | Ciencias físicas
  • Escuela intermedia guias: Octavo grado | Séptimo grado | Sexto grado
  • Escuela primaria guias: Quinto grado | Cuarto grado | Tercer grado | Segundo grado | Primer grado | Kindergarten

The Standards and Instructional Support team would like to thank Patricia Kincaid for her invaluable contributions to the family/community guides for grades six-12 in Science. Her expertise and content knowledge was instrumental in creating the guides and helping CDE better support all Coloradans engaged in the successful implementation of the Colorado Academic Standards.

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Social Studies

The Social Studies standards guide students in developing the knowledge and skills to make sound judgments, understand historical and contemporary experiences/events, analyze interpersonal and global tensions, and actively participate in the complex world in which they live. The standards support the use of reasoned and reflective thinking to engage and collaborate with others in an increasingly diverse and interdependent world.

  • High School Guides: Civics | Economics | Geography | U.S. History | World History
  • Middle School Guides: 8th Grade | 7th Grade | 6th Grade
  • Elementary School Guides: 5th Grade | 4th Grade | 3rd Grade | 2nd Grade | 1st Grade | Kindergarten

Estudios sociales

  • Escuela secundaria guias: Educación cívica | Economía | Geografía | Historia de EE. UU. | Historia mundial
  • Escuela intermedia guias: Octavo grado | Séptimo grado | Sexto grado
  • Escuela primaria guias: Quinto grado | Cuarto grado | Tercer grado | Segundo grado | Primer grado | Kindergarten

The Standards and Instructional Support team would like to thank Kim Davis and Sara Shackett for their invaluable contributions to the family/community guides for grades six-12 in Social Studies. Their expertise and content knowledge was instrumental in creating the guides and helping CDE better support all Coloradans engaged in the successful implementation of the Colorado Academic Standards.

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World Languages

In the 21st century the ability to communicate in more than one language is an essential skill for all Colorado learners. Learning multiple world languages, developing multiple perspectives and understanding other cultures are vital skills needed to both collaborate and compete in our global community. Learners acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes that equip them for living and working in a world of diverse peoples, languages and cultures.

  • Proficiency Range Level Guides: Intermediate-Mid | Intermediate-Low | Novice-High | Novice-Mid | Novice-Low

Idiomas del mundo

  • Proficiency Range Level guias: Nivel intermedio-medio | Nivel intermedio-bajo | Nivel principiante-superior | Nivel principiante-medio | Nivel principiante-bajo

The Standards and Instructional Support team would like to thank Toni Theisen for her invaluable contributions to the family/community guides for the World Languages Standards. Her expertise and content knowledge was instrumental in creating the guides and helping CDE better support all Coloradans engaged in the successful implementation of the Colorado Academic Standards.

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Standards and Instructional Support Newsletter

Read the Newsletter