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 PWR Practices


Practitioners from districts, schools, and organizations have submitted their promising practices for the PWR Playbook. Copy, adapt, and share them! Each practice strives to meet the following criteria:

  • Comprehensive, integrated, high quality, equitable
  • Whole teams are involved
  • Integrated through curriculum and grade levels
  • Shared responsibility
  • Evidence that the process is empowering to students
  • Easy to adopt/adapt
  • Aligned to Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) opportunities
  • Measurable

Searchable Database

This searchable database includes processes, implementation action steps, resources, and tools that schools and districts have developed 1) to create/refine their ICAP process and 2) to develop systems that empower students to own their ICAP process and achieve Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness.

Please contact Robin Russel to find out how to submit your practice(s).


Search Engines and Websites

Find resources for career and academic development, and for the world of work:


Supervised AG Experiences

Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE) are work-based learning practices designed to educate...

- Ault-Highland RE-9

Testimonial: Meaningful Career Conversations

"We use ICAP in everything we do, every day"  Hear from Liz Barber, Executive Director of the...

Video: ICAP and PWR in Northeastern Colorado

School districts in the Northeast BOCES have helped students figure out their postsecondary...

Virtual Hiring Fair - Westminster

Westminster Public Schools was excited to be able to offer students and employers the ability to...

- Westminster Public Schools

Visuals for English Learners

We learn 76% by what we see. Ensuring proper visuals in our CTE classrooms, inclusive of people...

- Denver Public Schools
