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Resources - World Languages
Teaching the Colorado Academic Standards in world languages is supported through a wide array of free instructional resources. This webpage lists just a few of these resources and will be updated regularly. For additional opportunities please check Professional Development.
This page is currently organized by the following topics:
- ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines-our range level expectations resource
- Essential World Language Links
- Connecting to the world: organizations and resources to connect students and learning around the world
- Teaching and Learning World Languages
- Elementary
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines-our range level expectations resource
- ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines with samples
- ACTFL position statement for use of target language in the classroom
- ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines PDF
Essential World Language Links
- ACTFL 21st Century Skills Map
- ACTFL 21st Century Skills Map resource
- ACTFL 21st Century Skills map PDF
- ACTFL World Languages Standards aligned with Common Core ELA Standards
- NCSSFL Aligning to the Common Core ELA Standards Presentation
- TELL project: Teacher Effectiveness - What is the WL shared vision of what our teaching practices should and could be?
Connecting to the world: organizations and resources to connect students and learning around the world
- ePals Global Community
- GLOBE Program
- Taking It Global
- Online Exchanges and Global Collaborations for Every Classroom
Teaching/learning resources
- AP Central: access information for the AP exams
- Google World Wonders Project: a resource to virtually discover some of the most famous sites on earth in a variety of languages
- BBC Languages: a wealth of free language lessons and activities for a variety of languages to learn languages online
- Asia Society: developing closer ties between Asia and the West through arts, education, policy and business outreach.
- International Children's Digital Library: children's books in many languages
- Foreign Language News and Newspapers: link to newspapers and news from around the world
- STARTALK sample materials for LCTL
- STARTALK Online Curriculum Development Guides & Templates
- Colorado WL Standards Curriculum Wikispace example
- World Languages Performance Assessment resources using the three modes
- Cool Tools for Schools - Web 2.0 tools: a list of interactive tools with examples to help teachers integrate technology to enhance learning
- Nandutí: Find information on real-life K-8 curricula, a selection of the best teacher-created materials for early foreign language learning, as well as other online resources
For website assistance, please contact Shelly Ramos
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