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ARCHIVE -- Standards Spoke Committee

This page is part of an archive of Colorado's ESSA State Plan Development

The goal of the Standards Spoke Committee will be to address the standards state plan requirements in the draft of the ESSA plan; thoroughly vet drafts with constituency groups as needed and appropriate; consider and respond to feedback from ESSA Listening Tour; and provide updates to, and review plans with, the ESSA Hub Committee throughout the submission process.

Standards Committee Virtual Meetings

The Standards Spoke Committee will meet virtually from August to October 2016.  All virtual meetings will be recorded and posted to this webpage.  To view a list of committee members, please click here. The department appreciates the service of the Spoke Committee members in developing and vetting the standards portion of the Colorado’s ESSA state plan.

To learn more about the scope of the work of the Standards Spoke Committee, please listen to a recording of the information webinar conducted on August 18 or download the presentation from the webinar below.

Response to Public Comments Regarding the Draft of the Standards Section of the ESSA State Plan

Meeting Information

All meetings will be conducted virtually and recorded.

Group Information

For Additional Information Contact:

Melissa Colsman

Karol Gates