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Computer Science Standards


New K12 Colorado Computer Science Standards

On May 9, 2024, the Colorado State Board of Education approved revisions to the recommendations for computer science, English language development, physical education and world language standards. CDE staff will incorporate the approved revisions and post the new standards on CDE’s website in the fall of 2024. Additionally, staff previewed the next cycle in the revision cycle, which will include comprehensive health; reading, writing, and communicating; math; and science. That process will start in the summer and fall with benchmarking and initial public input. Committee recruitment, application and selection will occur in the spring of 2025 with committee drafts of proposed revisions completed by the summer of 2025.

History of Colorado Computer Science Standards

During the 2016 legislative session, the Colorado General Assembly passed House Bill 16-1198 requiring the development of voluntary Computer Science academic standards for secondary students. The new law allows districts to elect to adopt these standards for high school students. During the fall of 2016, CDE hosted a series of stakeholder meetings and a webinar to engage a broad array of stakeholders to inform the development process. Incorporating the work of many stakeholders including industry partners, non-profits, and educators from higher education, CTE and K-12, a volunteer citizen standards committee drafted the Computer Science standards from 2017 until the Spring of 2018. These voluntary, secondary Computer Science standards were adopted by the State Board of Education in April 2018.


2020 Computer Science Standards