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Tools for Teaching Health Skills

The Tools for Teaching Health Skills page is intended to provide instructional support for teachers in teaching health skills. You will find FREE graphic organizers, templates, tips and examples, and technology tools here.  If you are a Colorado health teacher and would like to share additional FREE resources, please email Jamie Hurley.

For resources related to specific health content refer to the Online Resources for Comprehensive Health | CDE.


Teaching Health Skills

Functional Health Information: Use functional health information to support health and well-being of self and others.

Analyze Influences: Analyze influences that affect health and well-being of self and others.

Access Valid and Reliable Resources: Access valid and reliable resources to support health and well-being of self and others.

 Interpersonal Communication: Use interpersonal communication skills to support health and well-being of self and others.

Decision-Making: Use a decision-making process to support health and well-being of self and others.

Goal-Setting: Use a goal-setting process to support health and well-being of self and others.

Practicing Health Behaviors: Demonstrate practices and behaviors to support health and well-being of self and others.

Advocate:  Advocate to promote health and well-being of self and others.

Teaching Strategies and Templates​