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Work-Based Learning
The PWR of Work-Based Learning
Work-based learning encompasses a variety of strategies to offer learners experiential opportunities to explore potential careers. Each of these strategies rely on developing industry relationships and learning opportunities outside of the classroom:
- “Learning ABOUT Work” strategies focus on exposing learners to a variety of industries
- “Learning THROUGH Work” engages learners in partnerships with industry representatives for hands-on learning
- "Learning AT Work” prepares learners for specific career pathways
Work-Based Learning Continuum and Readiness Assessment
Work-Based Learning Definitions and Quality Expectations
In 2022, the Office of the Future of Work (OFOW) in the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) developed quality expectations for the Colorado Work-Based Learning (WBL) Continuum.
The WBL Quality Expectations are organized according to the three broad categories of WBL activities in the WBL Continuum: Learning ABOUT Work, Learning THROUGH Work, and Learning AT Work. Each activity is defined, along with information on how expectations could be demonstrated. The state does not assess WBL expectations; rather, this is to be used as a self-assessment tool for schools, intermediaries, and employers.
Access here: WBL Quality Expectations
Learning About Work Resources
Learning Through Work Resources
Learning At Work Resources
Other Resources
Industry Partnership Strategies
- Arvada Chamber of Commerce WBL Toolkits
- Colorado CTE Employer Engagement
- Pikes Peak Business Partner Guide
- National Youth Employment Coalition Resources for Employer Engagement
WBL Resources
- Colorado Workforce Development Council (CWDC) WBL Guides and Frameworks
- Colorado CTE WBL
- Colorado State Youth Council
- Colorado Succeeds WBL
- Coalition for Career Development Resources
- Work-Based Learning for Students with High Support Needs: Themes, Strategies, and Policy Recommendations
WBL Examples
- Jeffco Schools WBL
- Poudre Schools WBL
- Canon City PaICE Internships Handbook
- Advanced CTE's State Work-Based Learning Toolkit Innovation Tracker
CDE Requirements
- Guidance on developing and reporting your WBL programming can be found on the CDE Pupil Count website, within the annual Student October Count Audit Resource Guide
Developing Pathways
Legal Resources
- Work-Based Learning in Colorado Myth Busting
- CDLE Labor Law
- CDLE Workers' Compensation
- Fair Labor Standards Act
- Internship Programs under the Fair Labor Standards Act
- Volunteering, Internships, and Unpaid Work Experiences: Legal and Practical Guidelines
Intermediary WBL Program Resources
- Adams County Education Consortium
- Careers in Construction Colorado: available to partner statewide
- Colorado Schools to Work
- Colorado Spring’s Pikes Peak Business and Education Alliance
- Southwest Colorado Education Collaborative
- Larimer and Weld County's NoCo Inspire
- Youth Talent Development Network available to partner statewide
Additional PWR Programs that support WBL:
- Career Development Incentive Program (CDIP) offers financial incentives to public school for offering workplace training programs
- Innovative Learning Opportunities Program (ILOP) allows schools to count part-time students for full-time funding if they are engaged in work-based learning activities
- Individual Career and Academic Planning (ICAP) offers a framework for career exploration and planning
- Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH) creates 9th-14th grade career preparation pathways in partnership with a local business
- A Need to Succeed: What Students Want and Get From Internships
- Work-based learning can advance equity and opportunity for America’s young people
- Work-based Learning Ecosystems: Improving Opportunity for All by Integrating School, Community and the Workplace
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