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 PWR Practices


Practitioners from districts, schools, and organizations have submitted their promising practices for the PWR Playbook. Copy, adapt, and share them! Each practice strives to meet the following criteria:

  • Comprehensive, integrated, high quality, equitable
  • Whole teams are involved
  • Integrated through curriculum and grade levels
  • Shared responsibility
  • Evidence that the process is empowering to students
  • Easy to adopt/adapt
  • Aligned to Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) opportunities
  • Measurable

Searchable Database

This searchable database includes processes, implementation action steps, resources, and tools that schools and districts have developed 1) to create/refine their ICAP process and 2) to develop systems that empower students to own their ICAP process and achieve Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness.

Please contact Robin Russel to find out how to submit your practice(s).


Mentor Program

We work to connect all agriculture students to mentors with expertise in student career interest...

Messaging Skilled Trades

Published by Get Real Books, Get Real! is the new, graphic novel sequel to the ...


NECOPWR is a website designed by BOCES, Businesses, and School Districts in NE Colorado. NECOPWR...

Pathways Program - Canon City High School

The CCHS Pathways Program is a three-year education series designed to inject relevance and...

- Canon City RE-1

Platforms for ICAP implementation

Districts report using the following platforms with students in the ICAP process.  CDE does not...

Postsecondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO) Explorer

The U.S. Census Bureau created this resource based on census data. How much can you earn in a...


The Pikes Peak Business & Education Alliance's (PPBEA) mission is to connect students'...

PWR Symposia

Join your peers from neighboring schools and districts for a Postsecondary and...

PWR, Graduation, and ICAP - Video for Students

Listen to counselors, Michelle Zinser and Amy Largent talk to their high school students about...

- Garfield RE-2

PWR/ICAP Technical Assistance

ICAP/PWR Facilitators work with neighboring school and district teams to answer...
