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SEA Monitoring Report
At all levels of review, CDE will provide a comprehensive LEA monitoring report to delineate LEA compliance, describe recommended next steps or effective practices based on best or promising practices implemented by other LEAs, and detail any findings and required actions that together provide an analysis of the implementation of Federal requirements. The report will be compiled, with input from the LEA, within 45 days of monitoring. A point contact from CDE will work with the LEA primary contact to seek input on the report. The report draft will be shared with the LEA after 30 days and the LEA will have five days to provide feedback or request any additional details. CDE will take LEA feedback into consideration when finalizing the report.
LEA Corrective Action Plan
When corrective action is required, CDE will partner with LEAs to design an action plan that is reasonable for the LEA to implement within an agreed upon timeline. Upon receipt of the report, the LEA will have 45 days to respond to any required actions, unless otherwise noted, or request support from CDE to develop the action plan. LEAs that do not require additional support or time to develop the action plan will submit the corrective action plan to CDE 45 days after receipt of the monitoring report. If support is requested, the LEA and CDE will develop a timeline and action steps for finalizing the LEA Corrective Action Plan, not to exceed 60 days post-monitoring.
The corrective action plan must provide the timeline within which all actions will be completed. LEAs may work with CDE to establish a timeline that is reasonable for implementation and follow-through.
CDE will send a plan approval letter to the LEA within 30 business days of receipt of the finalized corrective action plan if the monitoring team determines the LEA’s corrective action plan adequately addresses the required actions. If CDE determines the LEA’s plan is not sufficient for compliance, the LEA will be notified of the consequences for failure to take corrective action and asked to provide additional corrective actions. Consequences for failure to take required actions may include CDE authority to apply conditions to current or future grant awards.
Follow-Up to the Corrective Action Plan
CDE program consultants will monitor LEA progress toward fulfilling the identified corrective action plan, within the timeline stipulated. Program consultants will update the LEA’s CDE-maintained monitoring portfolio to demonstrate compliance status, and include documents, memoranda, a copy of the monitoring report, and other supporting materials as needed. If necessary, CDE may schedule a follow-up review within the year.
Report Analyses and Evaluation of the Monitoring Process
CDE analyzes the findings and recommendations from each monitoring function to more completely understand implementation trends statewide. These analyses help inform efforts to provide state and regional leadership activities and technical assistance to LEAs. Analyses also may be used to inform ED staff of local implementation efforts and share future policy decisions.
The compliance and implementation review process achieves CDE’s monitoring objectives by focusing on indicators that matter, reducing the burden on LEAs to engage in lengthy monitoring processes, improving communication and resources between CDE and LEAs, differentiating and customizing LEA support, and ensuring that basic ESEA requirements are met. CDE will reflect on, seek stakeholder input regarding, and collect evidence to ensure effectiveness of the monitoring process annually. As areas needing improvement are identified based on evaluation results, stakeholders will be engaged to improve monitoring protocols and processes.
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