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Observation Feedback
Promising practices for flexible, efficient, and differentiated observation feedback policies and procedures
Did You Know?
Educator feedback can be provided in a number of different ways and is not limited to that provided during formal observations. Feedback can be provided through informal observations or “walkthroughs”, instructional rounds, peer observations, and school- or district-based professional learning communities (PLCs). Cross district PLCs can also be used to bring principals together to build capacity for quality feedback. The legislative requirements for feedback include that school districts and BOCES collect and analyze data on multiple occasions in order to provide actionable feedback. Another requirement is that teacher development plans link evaluation and performance standards with professional development opportunities.
Ideas for Observation Feedback
Example of providing feedback in remote/virtual settings
Colorado principals who are already working on remote/virtual settings are sharing their experiences conducting observations with educators in ways that provide opportunities for meaningful feedback, conversation, and reflection. One principal in rural Colorado joins in class sessions on Zoom and GoTo Meeting, uses the teacher rubric within the state model evaluation system (having done so for multiple years), and utilizes the Colorado Performance Management System (COPMS) in RANDA for note-taking and collaborative progress monitoring with teachers. During these unprecedented times, and educators having to adapt their instructional practices to respond to changing settings and needs of their students and communities, opportunities for thoughtful observations and meaningful feedback remains. CDE is in the process of gathering and highlighting examples from across Colorado that illustrate ways that principals/observers/evaluators are providing feedback to educators in remote/virtual settings. The Providing Effective Observations and Feedback in Multiple Learning Environments webpage offers links to resources, frameworks, and insights that support effective feedback in remote/virtual settings. In addition, an Addendum to the Resource Guide for Deepening the Understanding of a Teacher's Professional Practices highlights ways in which the current teacher rubrics within the state system can be applied in remote/virtual settings.
Example of using the evaluator assessment throughout the year to target information gathering and feedback
One principal shared their evaluator assessment in Colorado Performance Management System or RANDA at the beginning of the year with all of their educators. Having this working rubric open and shared with each teacher from the beginning of the year led to a more transparent process and an increase in trust. As this principal gathered data throughout the year, formal and informal data points were added into the system that could be seen, not only in notes, but also as aligned to the rubric practices. The principal and teachers expressed added clarity around areas of growth and increased teacher engagement in the evaluation. More principal invitations to observe targeted areas were reported, resulting in deeper conversations about their practice.
Example of collecting information in a variety of ways to provide feedback
Because the focus of the educator rubric is on collecting evidence of high quality practice, many districts have incorporated a variety of strategies for gathering evidence. In some districts, staff share evidence with the educator’s evaluator from district instructional walk-throughs, collegial feedback, and formal and informal observations. This not only saves time for the evaluator, it integrates and honors all the work the staff is doing to support each other while focusing on continuous growth.
Example of using evaluation data to provide targeted feedback, professional development, and to pair educators
Many districts use the detailed RANDA reports at the Element and Standard level to identify specific areas of professional development at the individual educator level. Districts are also able to use the reports to quickly identify educators who are strong in a particular area and who can help other educators grow their practice. The efficiency and effectiveness of professional development is increased by using data by personalizing it.
Example of using the Resource Guide to frame post-observation discussions
One district ensures that all evaluators and educators being evaluated utilize the Resource Guide for Deepening the Understanding of a Teacher's Professional Practices throughout the evaluation process to ensure a common understanding of professional practices. This is easy to promote, as it is already linked from the Colorado Performance Management System (RANDA). For evaluators, not only does it provide information on the professional practices, but there are also Planning/Coaching Questions for each element of the rubric.
Explore local decisions in evaluation
- Artifacts
- Evaluating Unique Roles
- Observations
- Observation Feedback
- Professional Growth Plan
- Sharing the Self-Assessment
- The Appeals Process
- The Discrepancy Model Approach to Evaluation
- Timing and Sharing of the Evaluator Assessment
- Training Options
- Using Alternate Evaluators
- Using Peers to Provide Feedback
- Weighting of Standards
Colorado Stories in Observation Feedback
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