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Interest Inventories and Aptitude Profiles
Interest Inventories and Aptitude Profiles
Access free resources to explore Interest Inventories, Aptitude Profiles, and Learning Styles/Multiple Intelligences
- The Career Index Plus - “Everything You Need in One Place”
- You Science - “The power of YouScience lies in our performance measures of aptitudes and our ability to connect natural talent with in-demand careers. We cut through social noise and gender biases to create more equity and access – matching users to their best-fit careers and giving them the confidence and data to make informed decisions about their futures.”
- Free Enneagram Coach - “Personal coaching and online courses with a Christian approach to the Enneagram.
- Jungian Personality Test - get “a great deal of insight about the core components that make up who you are.”
- True Colors – “Each color represents a different primary personality type… Fosters an environment of understanding and collaboration.”
- Holland Code Career Test - “Free quiz uses the scientific Holland Code model to show you which jobs will suit your interests, talents, and aptitude.”
- Five Thirty Eight Personality Quiz – “Take personality quizzes back by science.”
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