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Who Supports ICAP?
We all engage with and empower students.
Educators, parents, siblings, relatives, friends, personal experiences, hobbies, interests, achievement, and mindsets all contribute to a student’s career exploration story.
"I am the father of two grown sons. Representing all of our parents, I want to encourage you to have discussions with young people, around their passions, their interests, what they see themselves doing after high school. Those can be some of the most rewarding discussions."
- Kevin Aten, Superintendent, Bayfield Schools
How can we ALL support them?
- Become a champion for the ICAP/PWR Process; consider joining an ICAP team
- Engage students in meaningful career conversations
- Integrate ICAP and PWR into classes, activities, sports, events, jobs, internships, lunchtime, advisory, clubs…
- Provide feedback for improvement, advice, and guidance
Rural districts in northeastern Colorado have made it a point to get students involved in career training to prepare them for the everchanging workforce.
What are the expectations for EACH of us?
- Make postsecondary and workforce readiness a priority for your district & schools
- Encourage staff members to integrate PWR activities into their curricula and activities
- Value career development and PWR in teacher/staff evaluations
- Provide information and activities for students to better grasp what kinds of postsecondary opportunities exist
- Help deliver Work-Based Learning experiences and opportunities for students
- Design and implement college visit days, overnights, application days
- Help teachers, counselors, and administrators understand the concurrent enrollment process
- Lead the ICAP Process
- Select members and facilitate the ICAP/PWR team
- Follow ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors
- Create/facilitate/collaborate with others for ICAP/PWR lessons
- Co-plan and present
- Develop and integrate PWR into curriculum and planning
- Help students map curriculum to career goals
- Work with counselors to promote CTE programming and pathways, andwork-based learning
CTE teams:
- Tie CTE programs to ICAP and PWR through credentials, course mapping and career goals
SpED teams:
- Map out ICAP and postsecondary goals through student IEPs . The student’s ICAP is the IEP!
- Help others understand accommodations
Students own the process and are able to:
- Discover their interests, strengths, and passions
- Research and explore what’s possible – in school and out of school
- Talk with adults about career ideas
- Plan future coursework; consider sports, arts, drama, CTE, electives
- Engage in work-based learning, college experiences, and community service
- Reflect, reconsider, and revise their plan
- Act on ideas and opportunities
Families support the process by:
- Engaging in conversations with their children about postsecondary and workforce ready (PWR) opportunities in and out of school
- Supporting their child as they develop, plan, and reflect on experiences during the ICAP process.
- Looking for opportunities for their child to explore careers and postsecondary options.
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