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Reporting and Automatic Renewal

Required Annual Report

Each LEP* that participates in the Innovative Learning Opportunities Program must submit to CDE a report each program year by May 23 that includes the following information for their students enrolled in grades nine through twelve who participated in innovative learning opportunities:

  1. The types of innovative learning opportunities provided through implementation of the ILP;
  2. The number and percentage of students enrolled in grades nine through twelve who participated in innovative learning opportunities, in total and disaggregated, where possible, by the following student group (as defined in C.R.S 22-11-103): sex; socioeconomic status; race and ethnicity; disability; English language proficiency; gifted and talented status. 
  3. The number and percentages of students participants as compared to the number and percentages who participated before the LEP implemented the ILP, and to the number and percentage who participated in the preceding reporting period;
  4. A summary description, which does not include student’s Personally Identifiable Information (PPI), of the outcomes achieved by students;
  5. A summary description of the challenges encountered in implementing the innovative learning opportunities and the manner in which the LEP addressed the challenges, including an explanation of the strategies and programs that were successful and of those that were not; and
  6. Any additional information requested by CDE to assist in measuring the effectiveness and success of the program.

* If an LEP is participating as a group of LEP or through a BOCES, the group or BOCES may submit this information jointly.

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