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Secondary Transition Resources

Technical Assistance (TA) Documents



Picture: Transition Services (Brown figure - multiple paths)

Transition Continuum


Handbooks and Publications

Picture of Postsecondary Transition Guide 2020 Cover



Post-Secondary Transition Guide 2020



Transition Assessments

Educators and families will find formal and informal assessments designed to support transition-aged youth as they work toward life experiences beyond high school. These resources include general assessments for educators, families, and students; assessments for post-secondary employment, college, and independent living; and assessments for health and medical concerns.

T​ransitionTN has developed this database to help you locate relevant tools to inform transition planning. They’ve already gathered more than 100 assessments, searchable by the transition domains they address, the areas in which they focus, the approaches they use, the disabilities for which they were designed, the languages in which they are available, the persons who complete them, and the cost. You are required to register for a free account in order to access the database. After you sign up, go to the resources tab and click on the assessment database.

Transition Action Plan (TAP) Training Resources

  • TAP Summative Evaluation Tool (DOC)

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) Tools and Technical Assistance

  • NTACT Log-In Page
  • Overview of NTACT (PPT)
  • NTACT PowerPoint for Completing  a Technically Sound Transition Plan (10-11-2017) (PDF)

Assistive Technology Resources

  • SWAAAC: StateWide Assistive Technology, Augmentative and Alternative Communication
    • Assistive Technology & Transition Guide (PDF)


For more information, please contact:
Gail Lott, EdD
Principal Consultant / Secondary Transition Specialist
Email Gail Lott
Phone: (303) 501-0347
Katie Oliver
Principal Consultant / Inter-Agency Transition Liaison
Email Katie Oliver
Phone: (720) 413-4006

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