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HSE Age Waivers
Jump to a section below:
- Age Waiver Forms
- HSE Age Waiver Policy
- Conditions for Approval (new descriptions of supporting letters provided)
- Notification Process
Age Waiver Forms
16-year-olds are able to take a High School Equivalency (HSE) examination if they are approved to do so via an HSE Age Waiver. All of the requirements for applying for the HSE Age Waiver are on the Application itself and listed below under Conditions for Approval.
Follow these steps to request an age waiver:
1) Form: Complete the Age Waiver Application for the test you want to take - please read it carefully! If none of the 6 listed conditions in the age waiver apply, you cannot be approved and must wait to test when you are 17.
2) Supporting letter: You must obtain a typed letter on official letterhead, signed by the relevant institution and addressed to the applicant, supporting the condition you selected on the Application.
- Depending on which condition the applicant checked, this might be a letter from the college, university, or trade school the applicant is seeking to attend; a letter from the high school that expelled the applicant; or a letter from a case worker or judge if the applicant is in the juvenile court system. See specific descriptions of supporting letters below under Conditions for Approval.
3) Submit: Submit both the Age Waiver Application AND the supporting letter to the HSE test company: For GED, email to; for HiSET, submit this online form and attach your documents. (Do not send to the Department of Education.)
4) Create an Account: Create a student account for GED or HiSET. This is where you will be notified about the status of your Age Waiver Application.
HSE Age Waiver Policy
- Incomplete or Denied Application: The test provider (GED or HiSET) will contact you via email or your student portal. If incomplete, you must make the necessary changes and resubmit the application (including the completed application AND supporting letter).
- Supporting letters must be on OFFICIAL LETTERHEAD, not a handwritten letter or simple email from the institution. See specific descriptions of supporting letters below under Conditions for Approval.
- Wait time: Application processing can be as quick as two days but may take up to two weeks, especially if the application is incomplete or the supporting letter is not from the appropriate party.
- If you are under 16 years of age: Do not apply for an age waiver application. You must wait until you are 16.
- Signature: The age waiver application must be signed by the applicant/student themselves, NOT by a parent.
- Fees: As of August 2014, there is no fee required to process age waivers.
Conditions for Approval of Age Waiver
One of the following six statutory conditions must be met for an age waiver to be approved. Please note that, by law, these are the only conditions under which an age waiver can be approved. If none of the conditions apply, the student cannot be approved and must wait to test until the age of 17.
The supporting letter should be a typed letter on official letterhead, signed from the relevant institution and addressed to the applicant, supporting one of these conditions. This letter is not optional.
Descriptions of acceptable supporting letters for each condition:
Condition 1:
"Applicant is required to take the high school equivalency exam to be eligible for admission or financial aid requirements for an educational or vocational program (C.R.S. 22-33-104.7(1))."
Supporting Letter:
The supporting letter should come from the college/university/trade school's admissions office acknowledging that the student is seeking to attend and stating their requirement for students to have a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma to be admitted, or in order to qualify for financial aid. NOTE: In the case of community colleges that do not require a high school diploma or equivalency diploma for admittance, a high school diploma or equivalency diploma is still necessary for qualifying for financial aid, if the student is seeking financial aid.
Condition 2:
"Applicant has been expelled from school or denied admission in accordance with the provisions of C.R.S. 22-33-104."
Supporting Letter:
This letter should come from the high school explaining that the student has been expelled.
Condition 3:
"Applicant is enrolled in a “Pilot School” with an agreement with a school district or board of cooperative services to provide educational services enabling the applicant to successfully complete the high school equivalency exam (C.R.S. 22-38-104(10))."
Supporting Letter:
Because there are no Pilot Schools in Colorado (but CDE is statutorily required to include this condition on the age waivers), this condition should not be checked.
Condition 4:
"Applicant has a probation condition requiring attendance to an educational program or to work toward the successful completion of the high school equivalency exam (C.R.S. 18-1.3-204)."
Supporting Letter:
This should be a letter from the applicant's probation officer or a court order advising/directing the applicant to take a high school equivalency exam.
Condition 5:
"Applicant has a parole condition requiring attendance to an educational program or to work toward the successful completion of the high school equivalency exam (C.R.S. 19-2-207)."
Supporting Letter:
This should be a letter from the applicant's probation officer or a court order advising/directing the applicant to take a high school equivalency exam.
Condition 6:
"Applicant is subject to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and the judicial officer or administrative hearing officer who has responsibility for the case finds that sitting for the high school equivalency exam is in the best interest of the student (C.R.S. 22-33-104.7(2))."
Supporting Letter:
This should be a letter from the judge or hearing officer assigned to the applicant's case, or a court order, advising/directing the applicant to take a high school equivalency exam.
Notification Process
Before submitting your Age Waiver Application and supporting letter, create a student account with the test provider you chose. This is how they will notify you of approval or any issues with your age waiver request.
Create a student account with:
Waiting for notification about your Application? Follow up with the test provider:
- GED: email
- HiSET: call 855-myHiSET (855-694-4738)
*The Department of Education will NOT process age waivers; please do not send them to the HSE Testing Office.*
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