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Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Local Reports
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Local Educational Agencies (LEA) are required to prepare and disseminate an annual report card for the LEA and each school in the LEA that meets the minimum requirements described in federal law. In order to assist LEAs with meeting these requirements, the Colorado Department of Education has developed an interactive dashboard which allows users to view state-, district-, and school-level data for each of the data elements required under ESSA.
ESSA requires states to establish the minimum number of students necessary to be included for the purposes of accountability and reporting, in order to protect personally identifiable information and ensure statistical soundness of the data. In Colorado's ESSA State Plan, a minimum number of 16 students was established for all measures of student achievement and post-secondary and workforce readiness, and a minimum number of 20 students was established for student growth measures. As a result, this dashboard only displays records for which there were enough students to satisfy the minimum number requirement. Additional data may be suppressed in order to protect the privacy of individual students.
ESSA Local Report Data Files can be accessed here.
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