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Advisory Duties
C.R.S. § 22-7-304
According to C.R.S. § 22-7-304, SACPIE will advise state organizations and school districts concerning the best practices and strategies, aligned with the national standards for family-school partnerships, for increasing parent involvement in education and promoting family-school partnerships, including but not limited to best practices and strategies in the following areas:
- Creating and implementing programs to effectively involve parents in improving their children’s education and levels of academic achievement. To identify these best practices and strategies, the council shall review the programs implemented in other states and the results of state and national research conducted in this area;
- Involving parents in programs to raise academic achievement, increase high school graduation rates, decrease student dropout rates, and close the achievement and growth gap;
- Involving parents in response to intervention programs in public schools and school districts;
- Involving parents in programs to raise academic achievement, improve the persistence rate, and improve the on-time graduation rate of students enrolled in institutions of higher education;
- Increasing parent involvement in education–related committees at the local and state levels;
- Designing and implementing parent education programs and centers and parent leadership training programs;
- Creating and implementing family-to-school liaison positions; and
- Establishing and implementing school-based parent information resource centers.
Senate Bill 13-193
Senate Bill 13-193, created some additional responsibilities for SACPIE. These include the following advisory and technical assistance duties (22-7-304):
- (3) (a) The council shall provide training and other resources designed to help the school district accountability committees and school accountability committees increase the level of parent engagement with the public schools and with school districts, including increasing the number of parents serving on school district accountability committees and school accountability committees.
- (3) (b) The council shall work with the department to provide regional training programs for school district accountability committees and school accountability committees. At a minimum, the training programs must address parent leadership and increasing parent engagement with school district accountability committees and school accountability committees, including best practices for parent engagement with school district accountabilty committees and school accountability committees.
- (3) (c) The council shall work with the department to provide regional training programs for school districts and charter schools concerning best practices and skills for district and school personnel in working with parents.
- (4) The council, in consultation with the Department of Education and the Department of Higher Education, shall identify key indicators of successful parent engagement in education and use the indicators to develop recommendations for methods by which the Department of Education and the Department of Higher Education may measure and monitor the level of parent engagement with elementary and secondary public schools and with the institutions of higher education in Colorado.
- (5) On or before December 31, 2013, and on or before December 31, each year thereafter, the council shall report to the State Board, the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, and the education committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives, or any successor committees, the council's progress in promoting parent engagement in the state and in fulfulling the duties specified in this section.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this webpage are those of the State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Colorado Department of Education or the Colorado State Board of Education.
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