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School Breakfast Program (SBP)
The School Breakfast Program is a federally assisted meal program that provides nutritious, low-cost or free breakfasts to students each day. Specific meal patterns and nutrition standards are required in the SBP.
The SBP meets a vital need of feeding thousands of students each day, who might otherwise not eat a nutritious breakfast. Participation in the program has been shown to improve learning and test performance. Schools that participate in the SBP receive funding assistance similar to the National School Lunch Program.
To increase the number of students receiving a healthy breakfast, the Colorado Legislature passed the Breakfast After the Bell Nutrition bill in May 2013. The program requires public schools with 70% or more students who are eligible for free or reduced price lunch, to offer all students a breakfast at no cost after the tardy bell.
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How to Apply
Application Instructions
Use the following resources to assist with the application.
Download 2024-25 SBP Application Instructions
Application Deadlines
The application approval process can take up to two weeks to complete, especially when participating in multiple child nutrition programs. You will not be able to submit a claim until your renewal application is approved.
Renewal applications are required in September of each year.
How to Claim
Sponsors must follow the counting and claiming procedures under the School Breakfast Program.
Eligible meals for reimbursement must meet the SBP meal pattern and be a reimbursable meal. Additionally, meals must be tracked by student and their associated free, reduced-price or paid eligibility status. All meals will be submitted for reimbursement within the Colorado Nutrition Portal.
Claim Deadlines
Reimbursement claims are due 60 days after the end of each month.
Program Requirements
Policy & Guidance
Please review the USDA policies and guidance to help program operators manage successful and compliant programs.
Plan Meals
Visit the plan meals webpage for meal pattern and menu planning resources, tools and training.
Program Adjustment Requests
Communication Tools
Breakfast After the Bell Nutrition Program (BABNP)
House Bill 13-1006 was passed in Colorado, creating the Breakfast After the Bell Nutrition Program. The purpose of the program is to offer a breakfast at no charge to each student enrolled in a public school that has 70% or more students who are eligible for free or reduced price meals under the National School Lunch Program.
To increase the number of students receiving a healthy breakfast, the Colorado Legislature passed the Breakfast After the Bell Nutrition bill in May 2013. The program requires public schools with 70% or more students who are eligible for free or reduced price lunch, to offer all students a breakfast at no cost after the tardy bell.
Breakfast After the Bell Resources:
Mandated Program Sites
Colorado's Smart Start Nutrition Program
In 2007, Senate Bill 07-059 eliminated the $.30 co-payment for reduced-price breakfast paid by families for students in all grades. CDE School Nutrition reimburses eligible School Food Authorities (SFAs) an additional $.30 in state funds for every reduced-price breakfast claimed.
View The Smart Start Nutrition Program Brochure
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