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READ Act Guidance and READ Plan Resources for English Learners (ELs)
READ Plan Template for Multilingual Learners
If an English Learner is determined to have a significant reading deficiency (SRD), a READ plan must be developed. Given the unique opportunities and needs of English Learners, the department has created a sample READ plan specific to English Learners. The READ plan template for Multilingual Learners contains the required components of a READ plan, including components for an individual student English Language Development (ELD) Plan.
READ Plan Template for Multilingual Learners
- The READ plan template for English Learners is an example, not a required template.
- Plans must align with READ Act requirements; however, districts can determine the format of the plan.
- The sample intends to illustrate the areas of English language and literacy development a teacher should consider when planning instruction and/or intervention for English Learners.
Documents and Resources
Recognizing the unique opportunities and needs of English Learners to become proficient readers in English, the Colorado Department of Education has created guidance for implementing the READ Act with English Learners. This guidance is designed to provide parameters for districts to use when developing local policies and practices to support the literacy development of English Learners. This includes READ Act and English Learners guidance for assessing and determining a significant reading deficiency in grades K-3. Find READ Act requirements for assessing English Learners, considerations for selecting the language of assessment, determining a significant reading deficiency, and program considerations.
You may submit your questions about READ Act and English Learners Guidance for Assessment and Determination of a Significant Reading Deficiency in Grades K-3 to
Multilingual Learner Family Interview Questions
The following interview questions are meant to be used as a resource when educators need information related to a student’s cultural background, academic profile, prior experiences, etc., in addition to that of the Home Language Survey/Home Language Questionnaire results. These questions can also be helpful for educators knowledgeable about English Language Development/Acquisition and acculturation.
Entrevistas con las familias de estudiantes multilingües
Las siguientes preguntas de la entrevista están pensadas para ser utilizadas como recurso cuando los educadores necesiten información relacionada con los antecedentes culturales, el perfil académico, las experiencias previas, etc. de un estudiante, además de la de los resultados de la encuesta sobre la lengua materna/cuestionario sobre la lengua materna. Estas preguntas pueden ser útiles para educadores con conocimientos sobre el desarrollo/adquisición del idioma inglés y la aculturación.
Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards
English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards are required by Colorado state and federal law. On December 10, 2009, the Colorado State Board of Education voted unanimously to adopt the English Language Development (ELD) standards developed by WIDA as the Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards.
The CELP standards should be used, in conjunction with Colorado’s Academic Standards, to plan instruction that supports Multilingual Learners as they engage in academic content.
To learn more about language development and the CELP Standards, refer to, the CELP Standards Resource Library.
For Multilingual Learners receiving instruction in Spanish and English, WIDA has created Marco DALE (Marco de los estándares del desarrollo auténtico del lenguaje español de WIDA) to support bilingual instruction and education.
Additional Resources
**As of August 2022, the Colorado Department of Education uses the asset-based term “Multilingual Learners (MLs)” to refer to students who have been formally identified as English Learners using Colorado’s Standardized Identification Process. The term ML was selected because it highlights the fact that students in this subgroup are not only developing their skills in English, but also are becoming bilingual and biliterate, or, in some cases, multilingual and multiliterate. When referencing and/or citing state and federal law and/or obligations under these laws, including associated data collections, guidance, and other resources, the terms English Learner (EL), Non-English Proficient (NEP), Limited English Proficient (LEP), Fluent English Proficient (FEP), Former English Language Learner (FELL) and other legal terminology will continue to be used.
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