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Adapted Physical Education (APE)
Definition of Physical Education
While physical education may have many definitions, the definition, as it applies specifically to students who have disabilities, appears in the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142) and later within the Individuals with Disabilities Act (PL 101-476). Here, physical education is defined as follows: "The term (physical education) means development of: (A) physical and motor fitness; (B) fundamental motor skills and patterns, and (C) skills in aquatics, dance, individual and group games and sports (including intramural and lifetime sports). (Federal Register 1997, 42480)
APE Office Hours
Office hours have concluded for the year. Check back for 2024-2025 Office Hours.
Qualifications of an Adapted Physical Education Teacher
Adapted Physical Education (ages 3-21)
- must hold a Colorado teacher license with a physical education endorsement; and
- completion of an approved graduate-level program (24 semester hours) in adapted physical education for school-aged children, including a 200-hour practicum across elementary and secondary grade levels.
Adapted Physical Education Service Provision
As a direct service, Adapted Physical Education is provided to students who have needs that cannot be adequately addressed in the regular physical education program. In addition to APE, other service delivery options include APE collaboration and APE consultation, specially designed physical education, modified physical education, and general physical education.
Provision of APE is based on the same process of referral, assessment, and individual program planning that other special education services follow. An assessment and evaluation of motor skills performance is considered by the IEP team in determining how specialized physical education is to be delivered.
Federal law guarantees the opportunity for students to participate in physical education regardless of physical, cognitive, or emotional abilities. Finding the least restrictive environment (LRE) for each learner is both a federal mandate and a best practice. The environment is considered to be least restrictive when it matches individual abilities and appropriate services and provides students with as much independence as possible.
OSEP Letter to Garth Tymeson – OSEP Policy 21-01
Responsibilities of the Adapted Physical Education Teacher
- Completing comprehensive motor assessments of individuals with disabilities and making specific program recommendations
- Providing direct services to students who are eligible and in need of APE
- Consult with physical education staff providing physical education instruction for individuals with disabilities
- Consult with other IEP team members about student needs in the area of APE
- Serve as an IEP member at IEP meetings
- Monitor student progress
- Advocate for the student and parent
APE Listserv
The Colorado Department of Education Adapted Physical Education listserv supports APEs: 1) by providing information and news regarding the profession; 2) by announcing professional development and training opportunities; and, 3) by posting school-based job openings. There are no advertisements from vendors or contract-based companies. This service is also chat-free. If you were previously a member of this listserv, you do not have to re-join.
To subscribe to the APE listserv:
- Please complete the online listserv subscription request, APE Listserv Subscription
- Once you have been added, you will receive a confirmation email
Adapted Physical Education Advisory Council
The Exceptional Student Services consultant for APE along with regional APE representatives who comprise the Adaptive Physical Education Advisory Council, meet throughout the year to inform the Colorado Department of Education on statewide APE professional learning and technical assistance needs and assist in the development of guidance materials to support the profession.
Society of Health and Physical Educators for Colorado Conference
- Society of Health and Physical Educators for Colorado (SHAPE Colorado)
Tools and Resources
- APE Manual - Colorado Guidelines for Adapted Physical Education (currently under review)
- Brochure
- APE Brochure - English (PDF revision, coming soon)
- APE Brochure - Spanish (PDF) Being revised, coming soon!
- Website Reference List (PDF)
- Goal Writing and Beyond for Adapted Physical Education (Video)
- Serving Students with Disabilities Using Virtual, In Person and Hybrid Models in Physical Education - Pt. 1 (Video)
- Serving Students with Disabilities Using Virtual, In Person and Hybrid Models in Physical Education - Pt. 2 (Video) Professional development provided by Brad Weiner, M. Ed., NBCT, CAPE; recorded February 12, 2021
- Unified Physical Education (Video)
For More Information Please Contact
Gina Herrera
Email Gina Herrera
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