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Specialized Service Professionals Training Resources
The Colorado State Model Evaluation System Training Toolkit ensures schools, districts and BOCES have access to the latest information and resources to support staff trainings. All materials found below are completely customizable in order to reflect district/BOCES values and needs.
SSP Professional Practices Training Materials
- The Professional Practices PowerPoint includes S.B. 10-191 overview and priorities of implementation, a Specialized Service Professional Quality Standards gallery walk, the evaluation process, scoring the rubric and simulations.
- Professional Practice Note Catcher is a companion document that highlights the key understandings that staff should take away as a result of the training. It is in Word format so that districts can modify to meet their particular needs – though we caution changing the intent of any of the content.
- Colorado Specialized Service Professional Quality Standards and Elements are intended to support both the alignment activity and the Gallery Walk.
- Specialized Service Professional Simulation Rubrics are designed for use during the simulation activity and coaching conversation. This is one example using the the Psychologist Rubric.
- Blank Summary Evaluation Score Sheet is a separate score sheet that includes the steps for calculating the overall score for the SSP in the simulation activity.
SSP Measures of Student Outcomes Training Materials
- The Measures of Student Outcomes PowerPoint takes a deep dive into the steps for determining measures of student outcomes. It also includes an example of determining a final educator effectiveness rating – the method for aggregating the 50 percent professional practices with the 50 percent measures of student outcomes.
- Sample Measures of Student Outcomes have been created by work group members to provide a starting point for SSPs, their evaluators and districts as they make decisions about their evaluation system.
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for Audiologists
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for Occupational Therapists
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for Physical Therapists
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for School Counselors
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for School Nurses
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for School Orientation and Mobility Specialists
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for School Psychologists
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for School Social Workers
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for Speech Language Pathologists
- The Student Target and Scale Setting Activity walks participants through the steps in determining a target and scale based on given sets of data.
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