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District- or BOCES-Provided Training for Administrators and Principals
13.01(D)(2)(d): Successfully completed a CDE-approved training that was provided by an LEP or that is appropriate for license renewal and passed the end of course assessment of learning.
Educators will submit evidence of meeting the evidence-based training requirement to the CDE through the Colorado Online Licensing (COOL) system.
Important Dates for Administrators and Principals
August 1, 2024: evidence-based training designed for school administrators in the science of reading must be completed.
August 15, 2024: documentation must be submitted to the Colorado Online Licensing (COOL) system.
District Duties/Tasks
Please note: Districts interested in submitting a training for CDE-approval should contact for additional information on this process.
District/BOCES completes a District/BOCES PD review application and submits to the CDE for review and approval. Upon approval by the CDE, the district/BOCES attends a CDE webinar to learn the following:
Information regarding the district’s/BOCES responsibilities which include:
scheduling and delivering the training.
maintaining records of administrators and principals who participated in the training, completed the training, and passed the end of course assessment.
Providing a CDE-approved certificate of completion to participants.
Webinar Recording (15 minutes) Webinar Slides (PDF)
District/BOCES provides a CDE-approved certificate of completion to those who have successfully completed the training and passed the end of course assessment.
- District maintains a record of which administrators and principals have met this requirement.
District reports this information to the CDE upon request.
Administrator and Principal Duties/Tasks
Please note: administrators and principals must retain all documentation.
Administrator or principal completes the CDE-approved District or BOCES course and takes the end of course assessment earning a passing score.
Administrator or principal receives a certificate of completion which notes a passing score on the end of course assessment.
- Administrator or principal submits his/her certificate of completion through the Colorado Online Licensing (COOL) system.
For detailed instructions on submitting documentation to COOL, click here.
Administrator or principal receives and saves a copy of documentation from the CDE that demonstrates the “READ Act designation” attached to their CDE file.
Administrator or principal provides the district with documentation of successful completion of course requirements.
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