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5.2 Being a Wise Consumer
Unfortunately, a good amount of misinformation about dyslexia and its possible “cures” and “fixes” is offered through a host of advertising services and is found on the internet. Parents and families need to be informed consumers before they spend money on services that are neither scientifically-based nor evidence-based. Such services and programs will only take your money — and leave you and your student frustrated. Please be sure to carefully research any program, service, or individual making claims of “cures” for dyslexia, especially those that do not involve teaching your student to read and spell through an evidence-based approach.
The International Dyslexia Association devoted an entire issue of its quarterly publication Perspectives to the topic of Controversial Therapies for Dyslexia. The editor for this series of articles was Dr. Bruce Pennington, a Colorado resident and internationally recognized researcher in the area of dyslexia. This series of articles covers a range of topics, including vision efficiency therapies and movement-based interventions. As Dr. Pennington states:
“Ineffectual treatments for psychological and educational problems are harmful because they waste valuable time and money. Moreover, because we are making these treatment decisions for children who do not have the knowledge or judgment to make these decisions themselves, we need to meet a high standard of due diligence.”
The following link will take you to Volume 37 of Perspectives, and the topic, Controversial Therapies for Dyslexia: International Dyslexia Association publication, Perspectives, Volume 37, and Controversial Therapies for Dyslexia.
The IDA has an infographic about educational promises that are scams and based on false science called Beware of Education Promises Too Good to Be True! and a fact sheet titled When Educational Promises Are Too Good to Be True.
Learn more about becoming an advocate for your child at the National Center for Learning Disabilities’ Action Center.
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