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Financial Data Warehouse (FDW) Subrecipient reports
The Financial Data Warehouse (FDW) Subrecipient reports are used by LEAs and Financial Auditors to confirm payments sent by CDE for State and Federal Grants. These are cash-basis reports - any payments that were issued between July 1 and June 30 of the Fiscal Year will appear on the report.
Please note that a new 'Reimbursement' column has been added to the FDW Reports in FY2022-23. This column will be populated as "Y" for yes or "N" for no. For year-end purposes:
- A classification of "Y" is indicating that grant payments are made on a reimbursement basis; after the expenditure has been incurred. Reimbursement grants must pass edits in data pipeline, including revenues must equal expenditures for that grant code in data pipeline.
- A classification of "N" is indicating that revenues were received upfront or that there is not a requirement that revenues equal expenditures for that grant code in data pipeline. In most cases, expenditures must equal or exceed the revenues reported.
Refer to the grant guidance for the specifics of each grant.
Reports By Year
Please contact Kelly Wiedemer at or Yolanda Lucero at with any questions.
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