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Growth in Colorado
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- Learn more about cohort and baseline growth here.
- To explore your school or district’s academic growth this past year, see the Performance Snapshot.
For the past decade, Colorado has been a national leader in how to measure a student's academic growth from year to year. About ten years ago, the state created the Colorado Growth Model to look specifically at how individual students progress from year to year based on the state standards. Growth provides another dimension of performance beyond just achievement on tests by describing the relative growth of individual students from year to year. The Colorado Growth Model provides information for many different student populations and identifies areas of strength and areas that may need more support. It also supplies necessary growth data for the annual school and district accountability ratings.
What metrics are included in the growth indicator on the performance frameworks?
The academic growth indicator reflects median growth percentiles (MGPs) in English Language Arts and Math on state assessments, and MGPs in English Language Proficiency (ELP) for English Language Learners.
On this indicator, schools and districts earn one of four ratings (Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations, Approaching Expectations, or Does Not Meet Expectations) based on the percent of points earned on the above metrics.
How does the growth performance indicator impact overall ratings on the performance frameworks?
For state accountability purposes, growth is the most heavily weighted of three performance indicators used for determining accreditation and school plan type ratings. For elementary schools and middle schools, growth results account for 60% of their final ratings. For high schools and districts, 40% of their final ratings are based on growth.
Accountability resources are available at:
Helpful Links
- To view school and district growth data summary results, visit the Data Tools and Reports page.
- To learn about the Technical Advisory Panel for Longitudinal Growth, visit the TAP page.
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