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Accountability Work Group (AWG)

SB163 Superintendent’s Task Force- provides information on the recommendations provided by a regionally representative group of Colorado Superintendent’s on the implementation of SB09-163. - See more at:
SB163 Superintendent’s Task Force- provides information on the recommendations provided by a regionally representative group of Colorado Superintendent’s on the implementation of SB09-163. - See more at:



The Accountability Work Group has served as a policy advisory group to research and explore ideas in support of federal and state accountability policies and decision points (e.g., Every Student Succeeds Act implementation). This group seeks to collect input from additional stakeholders in developing recommendations. It was first convened by the Commissioner of Education in 2014 to gather input on improving the state accountability performance framework reports.


This group consists of regional superintendent representatives, school and district leadership, charter school leadership, Colorado Association of School Executives (CASE), Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB), Colorado Education Association (CEA) leaders, advocacy and civil rights group members and parents.

View 2023-2024 Membership List CDE is recruiting members for the 2024 AWG currently, especially for additional representation of district and school staff in different regions of the state. If you're interested, please email us here

Prior Meeting Materials

ADA Archive Icon  View Archive of prior AWG meeting materials.


Helpful Links

  • For more information on Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) implementation visit the Federal Accountability page.


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