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Training and Meetings
Upcoming Training, Meetings, and Webinars
Provide input on upcoming kindergarten training and webinars
Recorded Webinars
Back to School: Kindergarten School Readiness (KSR)
This webinar will provide brief updates on school readiness in kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. Resources in response to questions and requests from KSR contacts will also be included. This session is targeted for returning KSR contacts.
- Kindergarten School Readiness Updates Recording - September 2024
- Agenda
Back to School: Kindergarten School Readiness (KSR) for New Contacts
This session will be focused on providing a foundational overview of kindergarten school readiness. Building from the online guide, we will review essential content and answer questions. Anyone may attend; however, this is targeted for those new to kindergarten school readiness.
- Kindergarten School Readiness for New Contacts Recording - August 2024
- Kindergarten School Readiness Guide
Kindergarten School Readiness (KSR) Assessment Tool Webinar
This webinar will be hosted in partnership with Marzano Research. The primary goal of this webinar will be to provide an overview of resources and materials collected through the KSR Assessment Review Application Process that are available to support local selection of SBE-approved KSR assessment tool(s).
- KSR Assessment Tool Webinar - March 2024
- PowerPoint slides
Pre-Kindergarten to Kindergarten (PreK-K) Assessment Alignment with Marzano Research
Learning Session 1: Using formative assessment data to support growth in children’s learning and development - November 2022
Learning Session 2: Understanding Coherence and Alignment needs between PreK standards and K assessments
Early Learning Needs Assessment Webinar
This webinar provides background context about why an early learning needs assessment is valuable within the school improvement process, outline minimum requirements, and provide next steps for completing and analyzing the assessment. The early learning needs assessment supports schools and districts in analyzing the needs and learning of children birth through age 8. This process can strengthen relationships between schools, districts and early childhood partners to more accurately identify needs within the community, monitor trends, and inform the implementation of preventative strategies.
- Early Learning Needs Assessment Recording - August 2021
- Early Learning Needs Assessment - PowerPoint and Presenter Notes
- Target Audiences: Elementary school leaders in schools operating under a priority improvement or turnaround plan; District leaders who support these schools; and Preschool district leadership
READ Plans and Kindergarten School Readiness
This webinar includes background information on required Kindergarten assessments in Colorado, how to use the problem-solving process across these assessments, and the requirements and flexibilities in documentation in creating and maintaining individual student plans.
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