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Twice-exceptional Professional Development

gifted students working together

Twice-exceptional Professional Development Opportunities

Twice Exceptional Learners Part 1

In this course, Supporting Twice Exceptional (2e) Learners Part 1, participants will gain the fundamental knowledge to recognize the characteristics and needs of twice exceptional (2e) students including identification considerations; apply evidence-based strategies to support both the strengths and challenges of 2e students; define and utilize strength-based programming for 2e students within an MTSS framework; and analyze student data to support the development of appropriate goals for 2e learners.

Registration is now closed - class reached its capacity ahead of schedule. Thank you for your interest. Classes will resume Fall of 2024.

Twice Exceptional Learners Part 2

In this course, Supporting Twice Exceptional (2e) Learners Part 2, participants will investigate the potential challenges faced by 2e students with autism, specific learning disabilities (e.g., dyslexia, dyscalculia), and other health impairments (e.g., ADHD); evaluate data to inform instructional programming decisions; review resources that support evidence-based programming; collaborate with others to develop educational plans (e.g., IEP, ALP) that support unique student profiles.

Registration closed. Thank you for your interest. Classes will resume Fall of 2024.


Resources for Professional Development

If you would like us to develop a specific 2e Professional Development for your setting, please fill out the 2e Cadre Request Form

If you are not able to access information on this site or need additional support, please contact the Office of Gifted Education Program Administrator