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Professional Development for Gifted Education

Office of Gifted Education

We are currently updating our website for improved accessibility and navigation and as a result, some links may be broken and resources unavailable. If you require a specific resource that was previously available on our website, contact the Gifted Education Office for assistance.


Regional Network System

Professional development is offered in regions throughout the state based on the needs of its administrative units (AUs).  The Gifted Education Regional Consultants (GERCs) work collaboratively with their regions to provide professional development and technical support that is relevant to their diverse needs and interests of stakeholders. 

For a regional list of professional development opportunities, contact the GERC for the designated Colorado region.

View the GERC webpage for more information

Gifted Education Web-Based Professional Development

All Gifted Education professional development modules are Open Access.

Guest Access on professional development modules is provided to allow self-paced study or flexible facilitation and delivery by district personnel. Access all courses as a guest, using password Gifted23. Do not choose self-enrollment.

The courses can be delivered in their full form across a period of weeks or used as partial and condensed modules to address professional development needs. To learn more, see the Facilitator's Guide for new guidelines on teaching online modules.  

Twice-Exceptional courses continue to be facilitated by the 2e Cadre.  See below for more information.

Twice-exceptional Professional Development

View the Twice-exceptional webpage for more information.

Note: If you are not able to access the resources or need additional support, please contact the Office of Gifted Education Program Administrator