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Transcripts and Records

Transcripts and Records

The following requirements and best practices pertain to student academic records, including transcripts.

A checklist is provided for school and district personnel to help ensure that students are fully supported during each step.

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Educational Reform

C.R.S. 22-7-1016, Title 22: Education General And Administrative, Article 7: Educational Accountability, Part 10: Preschool to Postsecondary Education Alignment

Summary of Impact

Upon receiving the results following administration of the assessments administered pursuant to section 22-7-1006.3 to students enrolled in high school, the local education provider shall provide to each student a printed copy of the student's assessment results, and a teacher or counselor shall review each student's results with the student and, to the extent practicable, with the student's parent or legal guardian and determine the areas in which the student continues to need instruction in order to demonstrate postsecondary and workforce readiness prior to or upon attaining a high school diploma.

CASB Sample Policies Affected

Note: CASB policy reference is for those districts that are members of the Colorado Association of School Boards.

    • IKA, Grading/Assessment Systems

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Community Service or Service Learning

School District Boards - Powers and Duties

C.R.S. 22-32-137, Title 22: Education School Districts, Article 32: School District Boards - Powers And Duties

Summary of Impact

Should a school district/school board adopt a policy to encourage students to engage in community service or service learning and to recognize students’ contributions to their communities through such service, it is acceptable to reflect their service on the student’s diploma and/or transcript as an indication of the student’s commitment to service within the community.

CASB Sample Policies Affected

Note: CASB policy reference is for those districts that are members of the Colorado Association of School Boards.

    • JN*, Community Service

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Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent Enrollment

CCR- 301-86, Rules for the Administration of the Concurrent Enrollment Program

Summary of Impact

The grade received on the concurrent enrollment course should appear on the district and college transcript.

CASB Sample Policies Affected

Note: CASB policy reference is for those districts that are members of the Colorado Association of School Boards.

    • IHCDA, Concurrent Enrollment
    • IHCDA-R, Concurrent Enrollment (Procedure for students seeking to enroll in postsecondary courses - Regulation)

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School District Boards - Powers And Duties

C.R.S. 22-32-110, Board of Education-Specific Powers

Summary of Impact

A school cannot withhold a transcript, diploma, or grades for any student who fails to return or replace any textbook or library resources at the completion of any semester or school year. C.R.S. 22-32-110 amended by HB17-1301, effective August 9, 2017.

Summary of House Bill 17-1301:

The bill removes the authority of a board of education of a school district, a charter school, an institute charter school, and a school operated by a board of cooperative services (local education provider) to withhold records required for enrollment in another school or institution of higher education or a student's grades, transcripts, or diploma for failure to pay any fine or fee assessed by the local education provider, to return or replace textbooks or library resources, or to return other school property. The local education provider shall make reasonable efforts to obtain payment of an assessed fee or fine or payment for lost or damaged textbooks, library resources, or other school property.

CASB Sample Policies Affected

Note: CASB policy reference is for those districts that are members of the Colorado Association of School Boards.

    • JQ* Student Fees, Fines and Charges

Concurrent Enrollment

CCR- 301-86, Rules for the Administration of the Concurrent Enrollment Program

Summary of Impact

In regards to Concurrent Enrollment: Should a student fail, withdrawl, or receive an incomplete in the college course, the parent/legal guardian may be held responsible for the payment of the course.

CASB Sample Policies Affected

Note: CASB policy reference is for those districts that are members of the Colorado Association of School Boards.

    • IHCDA, Concurrent Enrollment


20 U.S.C. 1232g(a)(1), Family Educational and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Summary of Impact

    1. A school or school district may charge a fee for a copy of an education record which is made for the parent or eligible student, except in the situation an imposed fee prevents a parent or student from exercising the right to inspect and review the student's education records.
    2. A school or school district may not charge a fee to search for or to retrieve the education records of a student.

CASB Sample Policies Affected

Note: CASB policy reference is for those districts that are members of the Colorado Association of School Boards.

    • JRA/JRC*, Student Records/Release of Information on Students
    • JRA/JRC-R*, Student Records/Release of Information on Students (Review, Amendment and Hearing Procedures) - Regulation

See also:

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General Provisions

C.R.S. 22-1-102 , Title 22: Education, General And Administrative, Article 1: General Provisions

Summary of Impact

Protecting student data and educational records. A school district shall not release the education records of a student to any person, agency, or organization without the prior written consent of the parent or legal guardian of the student.

CASB Sample Policies Affected

Note: CASB policy reference is for those districts that are members of the Colorado Association of School Boards.

    • JRA/JRC*, Student Records/Release of Information on Students

Corresponding Best Practice

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Personally Identifiable Information


C.F.R. §§ 99.30-99.31of the FERPA Regulations and 34 C.F.R. § 300.622 of the IDEA Regulations

Summary of Impact

Disclosures of personally identifiable student information, including disability status. Generally, these statutes require consent prior to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in education records unless a specific exception applies. Both student report cards and student transcripts are considered “education records."

CASB Sample Policies Affected

Note: CASB policy reference is for those districts that are members of the Colorado Association of School Boards.

    • JRA/JRC*, Student Records/Release of Information on Students
    • JRA/JRC-R*, Student Records/Release of Information on Students (Review, Amendment and Hearing Procedures) – Regulation


This is the link to the Colorado Department of Education website on the review and approval procedures regarding agreements involving personally identifiable information.

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Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Preschool to Postsecondary Education Alignment

C.R.S. 22-7-1016, Title 22: Education, Article 7: Educational Accountability, Part 10: Presechool To Postsecondary Education Alignment

Summary of Impact

Each high school student's final transcript shall describe the student's level of postsecondary and workforce readiness (PSR) by indicating the student's level of performance in PSR programs and indicating the student's level of performance in PSR planning, preparation, and readiness assessments.

CASB Sample Policies Affected

Note: CASB policy reference is for those districts that are members of the Colorado Association of School Boards.

    • IHBK*, Preparation for Postsecondary and Workforce Success
    • IHBK-R*, Preparation for Postsecondary and Workforce Success (Implementation Plan for Student Individual Career and Academic Plans - Regulation)

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Students with Disabilities

Section 504 - Report Cards

Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504

Summary of Impact

A report card can indicate that a student is receiving special education or related services, as long as the report card informs parents about their child’s progress or level of achievement in specific classes, course content, or curriculum. However, the mere designation that a student has an IEP or is receiving a related service, without any meaningful explanation of the student’s progress, is not allowed.


It is acceptable for report cards to distinguish special education programs and services and general education curriculum classes through specific notations or other symbols. LEAs frequently distinguish between general education curriculum classes and other types of programs and classes, such as advanced placement, honors, or remedial classes. Making similar distinctions on report cards is consistent with the law by not treating students with a disability differently than those with no disability. In addittion, special notations or symbols may appear on a report card for a student with a disability who received accommodations in general education.

Section 504 - Transcripts

Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504

Summary of Impact

A transcript for a student with a disability cannot indicate that the student has a disability, has been enrolled in a special education program, has received special education related services, or received accommodations in general education classes.JLC* Student Health Services and Records


A student’s transcript generally is intended to inform postsecondary institutions or prospective employers of a student’s academic credentials and achievements. Information that a student has a disability, or has received special education or related services due to having a disability, does not constitute information about the student’s academic credentials and achievements.

Section 504 - Transcripts (continued)

Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504

Summary of Impact

A transcript for a student with a disability can indicate that the student has taken classes with a modified or alternate education curriculum (using a specific notation or symbol). These notations/symbols indicating a modified or alternate education curriculum are permissible when they do not specifically disclose that a student has a disability, are not used for the purpose of identifying programs for students with disabilities, and are consistent with the purpose of a student transcript.


This is consistent with the transcript’s purpose of informing postsecondary institutions and prospective employers of a student’s academic credentials and achievements. Transcript notations concerning enrollment in different classes, course content, or curriculum by students with disabilities would be consistent with similar transcript designations for classes such as advanced placement, honors, and basic and remedial instruction, which are provided for both students with and without disabilities, and thus would not violate Section 504 or Title II.

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Youth in Foster Care

Uninterrupted Scholars

Uninterrupted Scholars Act, Signed By President January 2013

Summary of Impact

Child welfare professionals can access a foster youth’s education records.


See also:

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