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Discipline Data

Discipline Annual Data Collection

The School Discipline collection is an annual collection of incidents that resulted in a student missing regular learning opportunities (typically in and out-of-school suspension and expulsion). Until 2022-23 the collection included three separate files:

  1. The counts of students disciplined based on the type of incident (behavior of the student)
  2. The demographics of the student and the numbers of incidents
  3. The counts of students that brought or possessed a firearm

Starting in 2023-24, this annual collection will be reported at the incident level and include student, incident, action, and demographic information.


Learning Environment District Profile Reports

In accordance with HB 22-1376, district profile reports that are easily accessible and user-friendly must be created for each school district and the charter school institute. The reports must be disaggregated by gender, grade, ethnicity, disability, ELL status, free and reduced-price lunch status, and homeless status. In addition, the dashboard must be updated annually and the data must be changed in the 2023-2024 school year to be collected at the student level. Various measures are required to be represented in the district profile reports, which include the following: the number and type of disciplinary incidents and actions taken in response at a student level; chronic absenteeism rates; number of in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, expulsions, referrals to law enforcement, school-related arrests, students handcuffed, students physically restrained, students placed in seclusion; mental health provider ratios; school climate surveys; and any other existing district-level measures that CDE determines relevant and related to school climate.

The reports will be published here as they are available.

If you have questions or would like to provide input regarding the data visualizations, please reach out to Jewel Sale at and 720-948-7998.

Virtual Feedback Sessions

As part of the implementation of a piece of recent legislation (HB 22-1376), CDE is creating district profile reports that cover data points related to learning environments including attendance, behavior, discipline, and other measures. These reports will be published in September 2024 and updated annually. 

Over the past few months, we have developed mock-ups for what the district profile reports will look like and gathered feedback to make future iterations. 

A recent set of feedback sessions just occurred in which participants were able to take a look at potential visualizations to be included in these reports and provide feedback to make the final version. If you would like to know more about the information that was provided during these sessions, please see the slides here. If you would like to see the most recent iteration of the district profile reports, please see the PDFs here. If there are others who you feel should be included in these conversations, please forward this information to them. And please feel free to reach out to Jewel Sale with any questions at or 720-948-7998. Thank you in advance for your help! 


Section Navigation 


Navigate to the pages below to explore discipline-related topics in the following categories: 


Provides background information on state policy related to discipline, recently passed legislation, and key definitions that are outlined in statute.

Best Practices

Provides information on evidence-based strategies, resources, and connections to organizations that support improvements in discipline, behavior, and school climate.