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EDAC Data Burden Survey

EDAC Data Burden Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who supported the EDAC Data Burden Survey! 

EDAC released its Data Burden Survey in November 2017 to all local education agencies (LEAs) and broadly communicated its importance.  The survey included mandatory and other select collections and invited respondents to rate the level of effort needed to complete each collection, the level of benefit the LEA obtained from each collection, and the number of staff and hours required to complete each data collection.  EDAC received 137 representative replies from all sizes of LEAs across all regions for a 51.1% response rate. 

Key Observations

  • Local Education Agency data burden is real
  • A larger proportion of rural districts’ overall budgets are utilized for reporting than non-rural districts (Rural $5.67 and Non-rural $2.85)
  • Major ongoing regular education LEA data collections have increased 200% from 5 to 15 from 1998 to 2018 and
  • Associated median person hour costs have increased 53% from 1998 to 2018 ($10,687 in 1998, $13,088 in 2008 and $16,308 in 2018).

General Recommendations 

  • Staggered and strategic adjustment or elimination of four low-benefit/duplicative collections and the associated legislation and/or rule
  • Regular review of reporting requirements with a careful examination of collections rated as low benefit
  • Thoughtful deliberation when considering any new reporting requirement
  • A one-year moratorium on additional collections while a collaborative workgroup determines a recommended plan for addressing data burden and
  • Consideration of ways to ease data burden at the state level, including a voluntary statewide student information system

EDAC Data Burden Survey Overview


Over the past few years, the call to reduce local education agency data burden has been getting louder. Organizations have been increasing advocacy to limit the time and resources spent on data provision by the local education agencies they represent. The efforts that have been done are not enough. The Education Data Advisory Committee (EDAC) has heard the concerns. The alarm has sounded! Local education agencies (LEAs) do not have the resources to complete the numerous data submissions/collections, especially when there is no perceived value or relevance. Growing frustrations are mounting about the volume of work needed to complete the existing submissions/collections. EDAC is taking action!


EDAC’s desired outcome is to lessen data burden. In the 2017-18 school year EDAC will assess burden, relevance and usefulness of all ‘mandatory’ and other select perceived time-intensive submissions/collections. A one-time voluntary survey has been designed to quantify the time designated submissions/collections take, determine the value/relevance and measure the usefulness to inform policy/research of each. Include results in EDAC’s 2017-18 annual report to the State Board of Education and Education Committees of the House and Senate as well as a standalone study.


Please take the time to make your LEA voice heard and help EDAC identify burdensome and non-relevant data submissions/collections.

The 5 W’s of the EDAC Data Burden Survey


Local education agencies which complete data submissions/collections.


The EDAC Data Burden Survey is a one-time voluntary survey that has been designed to quantify the time selected submissions/collections take across Colorado, determine the value/relevance and assess usefulness to inform educational policy/research of each.


Monday, November 6, 2017 through Friday, February 9, 2018


Your choice... office, library, gymnasium, local eating establishment, etc.


Completing the large number of Colorado data submissions/collections takes an inordinate amount of time and resources, especially when there is no perceived importance.


Select one individual to coordinate the effort. The chosen coordinator may want to independently work with each collection respondent or may choose to bring members together for a collaborative survey effort. Please note that there is a tab within the worksheet that includes an introduction and instructions.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to email DJ Loerzel.