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Data Pipeline Snapshots
Snapshot data represents points in time for data submission. This data is taken directly from one or more of the interchanges and/or other data sources during the snapshot collection window as noted below:
Data Source(s): Special Education IEP Interchange, Student Interchange
Human Resources
Data Source(s): Staff Interchange
READ Spring Assessments
Data Source(s): READ Spring Assessments file, Student Interchange
Special Education December Count
Data Source(s): Special Education IEP Interchange, Staff Interchange, Student Interchange
Special Education Discipline
Data Source(s): Discipline Interchange, Special Education IEP Interchange, Student Interchange
Special Education End of Year
Data Source(s): Special Education IEP Interchange, Student Interchange
Staff Evaluation
Data Source(s): Staff Interchange
Student Discipline
Data Source(s): Discipline Interchange, Student Interchange
Student End of Year
Data Source(s): Special Education IEP Interchange, Student Interchange, Title 1 Interchange (applicable LEAs)
Student October
Data Source(s): At-Risk, Non-funded Homebased Education (counts entered directly into data pipeline), Student Interchange, Title 1 (applicable LEAs)
Teacher Student Data Link
Data Source(s): Teacher Student Data Link Interchange
Common data collections linked with their corresponding email addresses:
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