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Self-Disclosure Requirements and Processes for Colorado Licensure


All applications require that you disclose relevant issues related to criminal history, employment history, and licensure history. If you have had any misdemeanor or felony convictions, if you've been disciplined or discharged from a professional position, or if you've had a license suspended, denied, revoked or annulled, we need to know about it. If you've never had any issues in these areas, great! You'll just need to attest to that fact in your application.

This resource provides everything you need to know about self-disclosure requirements in the three primary areas noted above. It also describes the use of the documentation that you must provide with your disclosure. Before we get into particulars, here are three extremely important things to keep in mind:

  • You need to disclose past convictions and/or employment/licensure issues even if you have disclosed them to CDE on prior applications. This includes any deferred judgements or deferred sentences you may have received
  • Err on the side of self-disclosure, even if an issue occurred a long time ago or that was minor in nature
  • Colorado law requires that you disclose all misdemeanor and/or felony criminal convictions including those based on a plea of no contest and any deferred judgements or deferred sentences, except for misdemeanor traffic offenses and/or traffic infractions (DUI*,careless driving, speeding, etc.)
    • *Felony DUI and other felony related traffic offenses must be disclosed

Failure to disclose (or re-disclose) a conviction-, employment-, or licensure-related issue and upload all required supporting documentation will significantly increase the processing time of your application and will run the risk of the application expiring. If this happens, you'll need to reapply and pay an additional application fee. Communication via your eLicensing account is the primary method and you must respond in a timely manner to any communications from our team regarding your disclosure(s).

Support Documentation

You are required to upload any documentation regarding your conviction-, employment-, or licensure-related disclosure issue even if you have done so in the past. You'll do this in the eLicensing system. Always keep disclosure-related documents in your personal files for use with any future CDE applications. CDE does not retain documents on your behalf. They are used for the evaluation of a particular application and then destroyed for your protection.

You are also required to upload police and court documents even if you have uploaded them in the past. When choosing a name for the file, please use your first and last name and then the type of document. For example:

  • Jane Doe Police Report.pdf
  • Jane Doe Court Document.pdf
  • Jane Doe Termination Letter.pdf
  • Jane Doe Letter of Licensing Board Action.pdf
  • etc.

Examples of required documents include (but are not limited to):


  • Copies of law enforcement reports (full police report)
  • The court charging document
  • The court disposition


  • Termination letters
  • Resignation letters
  • Official reprimands
  • Copy of entire personnel file


  • Letter of licensing board action and any other documentation regarding the action 

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