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CoAlt - Alternate Science and Social Studies Assessments
The Colorado Alternate (CoAlt) Assessment is an academic, standards-based assessment designed specifically for eligible students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The primary purpose of the assessment program is to determine the level at which Colorado students with the most significant cognitive disabilities meet the Extended Evidence Outcomes (EEOs) of the Colorado Academic Standards
CoAlt science and social studies assessments for each content area are administered annually in the spring. Eligible students take CoAlt in place of CMAS science and social studies assessments. See CoAlt ELA and math information.
Science Assessments
- Students in grades 5, 8, and 11 take the grade level science assessment for their enrolled grade.
Social Studies Assessments
- Students in grades 4 and 7 take the grade level social studies assessment for their enrolled grade at selected schools only.
CoAlt science and social studies assessments were developed by CDE in a partnership with Colorado educators and the assessment vendor, Pearson, Inc.
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