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Out-of-School Time Resources
Resources are available around the following topics:
21st CCLC National Technical Assistance Center
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers National Technical Assistance Center is the premier place for out-of-school time professionals to learn, receive resources, and engage with peers and experts. 21st CCLC subgrantees and their staff may access free materials, participate in professional learning, and connect directly with subject matter experts. NTAC has also archived all of the previous You for Youth (Y4Y) content so programs can continue to use these valuable resources.
Aligning With The School Day
- The Afterschool Alliance
The Afterschool Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of afterschool programs and advocating for quality, affordable programs for all children - Center for Summer Learning
- Center with information, resources and research related to summer learning
- Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
- Financial pledges and technical assistance
- Colorado Education Inititative - Next Generation Learning
- Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
Resources by academic achievement content area which can be applied during both after school and during the school day - Kennedy Center Education Resources
- National Center for Educational Statistics
Summarizes trends and developments in education
- National Center for Student Engagement
- Center with information, resources and research related to summer learning
- The National Institute for Literacy
Using Research and Reason in Education: How Teachers can Use Scientifically Based Research to Make Curricular and Instructional Decisions - SEDL
- Structuring Out of School Time to Improve Academic Achievement, IES Practice Guide
The five recommendations in this guide are intended to help district and school administrators, out-of-school program providers, and educators design out-of-school time programs that will increase learning for students
Community Partnerships
- Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Financial pledges and technical assistance - Coalition for Community Schools
Making the Difference: Research and Practice in Community Schools - Edutopia
- Family School Partnerships
- MOU Templates
- US Department of Education
Compact for Reading Guide: A Reading Partnership Kit
Colorado ESEA Waiver
- Requesting Flexibility Option for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Program
- The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) submitted a request to amend the state’s Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) waiver to include the flexibility option related to the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant program. The request was submitted to the United States Department of Education (USDE) November 15, 2012.
Note: Public comments were included in the state’s request to the USDE.
Additional Information
Council of Chief State School Officers
CCSSO provides leadership, advocacy, and technical assistance on major educational issues including extended learning. -
Colorado Education Initiative
Extended Learning Opportunities
External Organizations
The Colorado Department of Education (CDE), who administers the state's 21st CCLC Grant, is required to pre-screen external organizations that could aid 21st CCLC subgrantees in carrying out program activities and make the list available to eligible entities (ESSA Section 4203(a)(11)). External organizations are nonprofit organizations with a record of success in running or working with out-of-school time programs (operating before school, after school, or during school breaks such as in the summer) (ESSA Section 4201(b)(4)).
Instructions for External Organizations: If your organization would like to appear on the pre-screened list, please complete and submit the following questionnaire. The CDE will verify the submitted information and determine whether your organization may appear on the pre-screened list. The pre-screened list will be made publicly available and will be updated on a regular basis. The list will contain the information from this form as directory information for your organization so that eligible entities may contact you regarding your OST programs, services, and activities.
Disclaimer: This list does not comprehensively cover all external organizations in the state of Colorado. The list is developed as organizations voluntarily complete this process. The details provided regarding external organizations are provided for information only. The Colorado Department of Education does not endorse, represent, or warrant the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content, services, or other materials provided by these educational service providers. Any reliance upon any information, content, materials, products, services, or vendors included on or found through this listing shall be at the user's sole risk. Please note, that CDE does not approve vendors or providers.
If you have any questions about completing this form or the list of pre-screened external organizations, please contact Jacqueline Chavez (
Add an Organization
- Submit External Organization Information here.
- Reference Check Form
- Pre-Screened External Organizations List (Updated October 2024)
This list includes resources and tools that may be helpful when planning and implementing an out-of-school time program evaluation. This list does not comprehensively cover all the evaluation resources and tools available. The Colorado Department of Education does not endorse, represent, or warrant the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content, services, or other materials provided in these resources. Any reliance upon any information, content, materials, products, services, or vendors included on here shall be at the user's sole risk.
Evaluation Associations and Networks
- American Evaluation Association
- The American Evaluation Association is a professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of program evaluation, personnel evaluation, technology, and many other forms of evaluation.
- Colorado Evaluation Network
- The Colorado Evaluation Network is a non-profit organization that provides a forum for professional development, networking, and an exchange of knowledge in the field of evaluation.
Evaluation Resources Specific to Out-of-School Time Programs
- Afterschool Evaluation 101: How to Evaluate an Expanding Learning Program
- A toolkit created by the Harvard Family Research Project intended to help program directors and staff of afterschool, summer, and other out-of-school time programs develop an evaluation strategy.
- Out-of-School Time Evaluation Snapshot
- This snapshot was created by the Harvard Family Research Project and describes instruments used by OST programs to evaluate their implementation and outcomes.
- Measuring Youth Program Quality
- A guide created by the Forum for Youth Investment that lists and compares several youth program quality assessment tools
- From Soft Skills to Hard Data: Measuring Youth Program Outcomes
- A guide created by the Forum for Youth Investment that lists and compares several youth program tools that measure outcomes.
You for Youth
A professional learning community that provides professional learning opportunities in areas related to program implementation and evaluation.
Sample evaluation guide
General Evaluation Resources
- Program Managers Guide to Evaluation
- A guided created by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (a unit within the Administration for Children and Families), that explains what program evaluation is, why evaluation is important, how to conduct an evaluation and understand the results, how to report evaluation findings, and how to use evaluation results to improve programs that benefit children and families.
- Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives
- The Community Tool Box is a free, online resource created by the Center for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas. The Tool Box for those working to build healthier communities and bring about social change. Chapter 38 focuses specifically on evaluation.
- Characteristics of High Quality Research (PDF)
- A handout created by the Colorado Department of Education that outlines various types of evaluation and research designs.
- The National Institute for Literacy
- Using Research and Reason in Education: How Teachers Can Use Scientifically Based Research to Make Curricular and Instructional Decisions
- Cooperative Extension Publications
- Easy-to-use guides designed to help Extension faculty better plan and implement credible and useful evaluations, which may also may be useful to agencies or funders who are seeking assistance with realistic evaluation strategies.
Legislative Guidance
- 21st CCLC Legislation
ESEA, Title IV, Part B - 21st CCLC Guidance
Department of Education Guidance
Family Engagement
- CDE's FSCP P-12 Framework for Community-Based Partners
- CDE's Family, School, and Community Partnerships Implementation Resources
- CDE's Promising Partnership Practices
- Strategies for Summer Engagement of Families (PPT) with Jennifer Brady from the National Summer Learning Association, June, 2014.
- Global Family Research Project
- Parent Involvement Toolkit (PDF)
- Family Engagement Core Competencies: A Body of Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions for Family-Facing Professionals
- Family Partnering Action Plan and Forms (PPT)
- Family-School Partnering Evaluation Tools (scroll down)
- Learning Heroes: A Playbook for Educators, Out-of-School Time (OST) Providers, and Advocates
- Engaging Families in Out-of-School Time Programs Toolkit
- You 4 Youth: Professional Development for Family Engagement
- Please see the Service-Learning section on the Dropout Prevention Resources page.
- Introductory Webinars: Supporting Attendance, Alternative Pathways, and Positive Youth Development
- Center for the Collaborative Classroom
- Intel
- Master's in Data Science
- NASA Resources for Afterschool Programs
- NASA’s Space Place - an educational website about space and Earth sciences and technologies for elementary-aged children.
- NASA’s Climate Kids - explains basic climate science with multimedia, games, humor, and crystal clear language for elementary-aged children.
- National Science Foundation
- National Education Association STEM
- NSF GK-12
- STEM Resources for Girls
- Teaching Channel-Middle School
- You 4 Youth
- Enjoyable ways to build on your existing knowledge as you help your students see that STEM is everywhere and for everyone
21st CCLC Sustainability Planning
Other Sustainability Resources
The Afterschool Alliance
Innovate, maintain and strengthen your afterschool programs
For additional information, please contact your assigned consultant.
Dana Scott - Director | (720) 413-5956
Cody Buchanan - OST Program Development Specialist | (720) 614-8665
Jacqueline Chavez - OST Programs and Partnership Specialist | (720) 557-4655
Shannon Allen - OST Programs and Partnership Specialist | (720) 498-4675
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