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Utilizing the Student Driven Process to Support the Student’s Vision
Student Led Planning
A key component when implementing the 6 Core Outcomes Sequence of Services Framework is that students and youth are at the center of the process. As the Framework is shared with students they can become knowledgeable of the services and agencies available to support them. The Framework promotes students becoming self-determined and advocating for appropriate resources at younger ages, receiving the supports they need during high school and setting themselves up for independence or integrated supports once they graduate
Person-centered planning is not just a moment in time but rather a continuous process.
While ultimately the Sequence of Services Framework outlines services and supports from various entities, it is also important to note that Colorado’s vision for students and youth is to be integrated into the community and employed competitively with or without state agency support.
Promoting Student Involvement
Promoting student involvement in the transition planning process provides the opportunity for the student to make choices and decisions about their future, including identification of their strengths and needs; understanding their career interests and aptitudes; and guiding the development of their post-school goals. A student’s involvement in transition planning and the ability to direct their individual plans are both evidence-based practices and required by IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act, as amended by WIOA.
For students to be confident and effective in sharing personal information and have the ability to actively participate, they need access to skill development and necessary supports. Using a person-centered planning process empowers students with disabilities and puts them in charge of defining the direction for their life. While there are different person-centered planning tools and resources, essential elements of the process are included below.
It is important to keep in mind that person-centered planning is not just a moment in time but rather a continuous process. Plan development takes into consideration that interests, preferences, and goals will change as the student has the opportunity for new experiences and identifies what’s working and what’s not working, as well as what they like and don’t like.
Essential Elements of Person-Centered Planning
An opportunity for the student (and others) to share desired goals for their life
Identification of what is important to the student - interests, preferences, and important relationships
Identification of skills, personality attributes, and needs (e.g., supports to be safe and healthy)
Provision of a safe environment to discuss and identify goals and a timeline for next steps (who, will do what, by when).
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