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Shared Understanding of Transition Services
The Colorado State Services Coordination Transition Team for Students with Disabilities has developed the Sequence of Services Framework to assist state agency staff, service providers, educators, students and their families in the delivery of transition services.
“Transition services” are often defined within these coordinated set of activities:
Transition Services
- Employment (including supported employment)
- Post-secondary education
- Technical skills training
- Continuing and adult education
- Adult services
- Independent living
- Community participation
The Sequencing of Services Framework helps to distinguish how services, roles and responsibilities can be shared among various entities.
Employment First
Colorado is now an Employment First state and partners have united around establishing a shared vision and culture shift around the following:
- A belief & value that all individuals regardless of level of disability are capable of full inclusion and working in Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE).
- CIE is the first and preferred outcome, regardless of level of disability in businesses found in the community, with regular compensation, equal advancement and equal interaction with non-disabled co-workers.
- Systems Change & Culture Shift efforts in state agency employment-related policies, service delivery practices, and alignment of service funding structures to increase CIE outcomes.
Colorado’s Sequencing of Services will help students connect and access services to achieve Employment First
Transition Planning to Achieve Employment First
- Person centered vision
- Pre-employment transition services
- Work based learning experiences
- Benefits counseling
- Paid employment
- Connection to adult agencies before leaving high school
- Community safety and access
- Employment in a career pathway
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