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Engaging Stakeholders
Questions to consider:
How do you ensure representatives from all educator groups contribute to policy recommendations for educator evaluation?
How does your organization ensure teacher, student, and parent input is incorporated into principal evaluations?
What opportunities are available for students to have a voice in educator evaluation?
How can organizations ensure stakeholder voice in determining required evaluation components?
Explore answers to these questions and more!

The Advisory Personnel Performance Evaluation Council (formerly 1338) can be a powerful group to bring together to make recommendations about the components of a local evaluation system.
Districts and BOCES have options to use a vendor-created survey and/or a locally-created survey for students in teacher evaluations.
Teacher input must be used as a part of the evaluation process for principals to inform the overall effectiveness of the educator.
Districts and BOCES have options to use the state teacher perception survey, a vendor-created survey, and/or a locally-created survey in principal evaluations.
An appeals process is required for non-probationary teachers at risk of losing status and districts/BOCES can create processes to involve educator leaders in meeting this requirement.
Districts can use educator leaders to support the training requirements for evaluation.
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