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Preschool Through 3rd Grade Resources
Learn More About Preschool Through 3rd Grade
Preschool Through 3rd Grade Implementation
Needs Assessments and Action Plan Examples
- School Readiness Consulting has drafted an overview of a P-3 Needs Assessment and Action Planning Process. It includes sample content for each step in the process.
- This P-3 Learning Tour is a guide for district leadership to support gathering information and insights. It can be used as part of the strategic planning process in a variety of settings. School Readiness Consulting developed the P-3 Learning Tour.
- The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) has released an updated, principal competency guide Leading Pre-K – 3 Learning Communities. The guide includes a self-assessment tool that principals can use three times a year to look at the progress of their efforts.
ESSA and Early Learning
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) includes opportunities for supporting early learning. Early learning is included in Colorado’s ESSA state plan and efforts continue to identify opportunities to support Preschool Through 3rd Grade at the state and local district level. The First Five Years Fund designed this resource, What Early Learning in ESSA Can Look Like for States and Districts to highlight the law’s express early learning provisions and others that could strengthen and expand early childhood initiatives at the state and local level.
P-3 Cadre
Professional learning community of school leadership teams to learn about Preschool through 3rd-grade efforts. Colorado's P-3 Leadership Cadre.
Transitions to Kindergarten
The PDG Transitions to Kindergarten Resources houses a collection of transition resources made possible through the Birth-Five Preschool Development Grant. The National P-3 Center created these resources in partnership with the Office of Early Childhood and the Preschool-Third Grade Office.
National Resources
National P-3 Center
The National P-3 Center focuses on the learning opportunities that young children experience from birth through 3rd grade.
P-3 Framework
The Framework for Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating P-3 Approaches is designed to address key questions facing those who are developing and implementing comprehensive P-3 approaches in their school, district, or community
Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO)
CEELO fosters sustainable change in state policy and practice for children from birth to third grade.
Education Commission of the States
Education Commission of the States partners with education policy leaders to address issues by sharing resources and expertise.
National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)
NAESP serves elementary and middle school principals and other education leaders throughout the world.
United States Department of Education (USDOE)
Early Learning web page - You can find information about grant opportunities, webinars, and current reports.
Preschool Through Third Grade Alignment and Differentiated Instruction: A Literature Review, August 2016
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