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Periodic Data Collection: Dynamic Learning Maps SBD


The purpose of the DLM: English Language Arts and Math Alternate Assessment Student Biographical Data (SBD) review is to allow districts the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the demographic data submitted for each student participating in the DLM assessment. The DLM SBD includes several demographic fields that are not collected by DLM that need to be added by CDE for our state and federal reporting requirements. These fields will be pulled from the Student Interchange and SBD is an opportunity to ensure that the interchange data is accurate for these students.

State and federal accountability reporting including school and district performance framework ratings (e.g., Performance Plan, Improvement Plan, Priority Improvement Plan, Turnaround Plan) and federal identification (i.e., Comprehensive Support, Targeted Support, or Additional Targeted Support) all rely on accurate demographic and test score data. Districts are not required to participate in the SBD review process. Note that the request to reconsider process cannot be used to address district reporting errors that should have been corrected during SBD. To learn more about uses in accountability, view the SBD and Accountability fact sheet (PDF).


  • The DLM SBD review window for the 2023-2024 school year is Wednesday, May 29, 2024 through Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

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Contact: SBD Support Email and 720-696-0185