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Public Library Leadership

(Note: We are redesigning our web page. Some things might look a little funny as we work. Please pardon the 'mess'.)

Public libraries are essential community hubs. To meet the needs of every Coloradan, the State Library offers tools, standards, & resources, training and consulting, and communication infrastructure to strengthen public library leaders. We place particular emphasis on strengthening the 73% of Colorado public libraries that serve small and/or rural communities.

Board of Trustees Development | Election ResourcesLegal and Policy Issues | Patron Privacy | Strategic Planning | Resources |  Public Library Leadership Team

​Mill Levy Election Resources

Legal and Policy Issues

Disclaimer: This is not intended as legal advice or to serve as a legal opinion of the Colorado Department of Education. Please consult with your city, county or library district attorney, as applicable, for any legal implications for your library.

Patron Privacy

Strategic Planning


For more information, contact Sharon Morris, Public Library Leadership Principal Consultant:

CSL Public Library Leadership Team