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Charter School Grant Programs
The Charter School Facility Assistance (FA) Program is Now Available!
2024-2029 CSP State Facilities Incentive Grant
Authorized by Title IV, part C of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA, Public Law 114–95), which reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), the federal Charter Schools Program (CSP) provides funding to State Education Agencies (CFDA number 84.282D) with the purpose “to help establish or enhance, and administer, a per-pupil facilities aid program for charter schools in the State, that is specified in State law, and provides annual financing, on a per-pupil basis, for charter school facilities.”
The CSP State Charter School Facilities Incentive Grants (SFIG) Program is a grant program that provides federal funds to states to help them establish or improve charter school facilities aid programs. The purpose of the SFIG Program is to encourage states to share in the costs of charter school facilities funding. The Federal funds are used to match programs funded with non-Federal dollars that make payments, on a per-pupil basis, to provide charter schools with facilities financing. Under the SFIG program, the maximum Federal share of facilities funds decreases each year (from 90 percent in the first year to 20 percent in year five) and phases out entirely after five years.
At least 95 percent of Colorado’s SFIG award must be utilized for awarding sub-grants to eligible charter schools over a five-year period. CDE will retain up to 5 percent for administrative expenses that includes technical assistance, indirect costs, program evaluation/research, personnel, and dissemination.
# 1 – Enhance the State's Charter School Capital Construction Program
Colorado will disseminate $35,525,000 of Federal funds to eligible charter schools through a sub-grant structure called the Charter School Facility Assistance Program. Parallel to sub-awards provided under the FA Program, Colorado will continue to administer CSCC, the state facility aid program, using existing structures but also by adding no less than $28,336,627 in state aid over the same period.
#2 – Strengthen State Capacity for High-Quality School Facilities Management and Decision-making
CDE will create a certification program to incentivize charter leaders to participate in high-quality training on charter school finance topics deemed critical for school success. CDE will also implement a dynamic management plan to ensure accountability for results and to accelerate awareness, learning, and information sharing across organizational and stakeholder channels.
Expected Outcomes and Contributions
Outcomes: Successful outcomes will include: timely reimbursement of all grant funds; increases in the number of schools meeting the Federal definition of a charter school; increases in the number of charter schools that have received a facility assessment, establishment of a facility finance certification program, and increases in the number of active stakeholders earning the new certification.
Research, Policy, and Practice: The project will strengthen data quality related to charter school facility conditions as well as make available more actionable data and analysis about public school facilities spending across the state and where needs for support exist.
Primary Activities
Enhancing State Funding: The project will distribute $35,525,000 in federal matching funds as new sub-grants over five years. Colorado policymakers increased state funding with an additional $65.5M from the state - increasing per-student facility funding by ~ $145 annually.
Facility Finance Certification Program: A training program guided by an advisory board inclusive of industry experts to build expertise in school facility finance.
Grant Management and Evaluation: CDE staff will manage the grant through a robust structure inclusive of program staff, a cross-departmental core team, and a stakeholder accountability committee.
Subrecipient Activities
School Facility Improvements: Sub-grants will be awarded to charter schools for facility acquisition, maintenance, and renovation.
Professional Development: Charter school leaders will be encouraged to participate in the Charter School Facility Finance Certification Program.
2018-2023 CSP State Entities Grant
Through September 30, 2024, CDE administered the Colorado Charter School Program most recently funded through the 2018 State Entities (SE) grant. Below are resources for exiting sub-grant participants and also more information regarding the goals and projects from the SE grant.
# 1 – Increase the number of high quality charter school options and the number of students who attend them
CDE will continue to emphasize high standards for charter applications, and will provide technical assistance to school designers with a goal of issuing 45 sub-grant awards over the life of the grant program. During the duration of the grant, the SOC office will invest heavily in charter school developer coaching, charter sector research, best practice dissemination, and sub-grant competition preparation. Grants will be awarded to new, replicating, or significantly expanding charter schools for planning, program design, and implementation of the school or expansion project
#2 – Raise educational outcomes for all charter school students by increasing capacity among authorizers and charter school leaders to increase quality charter school programs and to successfully address access and equity gaps among educationally disadvantaged students
CDE will direct training and support services to existing charter schools, authorizers and the broader parent and stakeholder community. To supplement this direct support, CDE will also contract with the Colorado Charter School Institute and other high quality education partners to extend technical assistance and best practice dissemination activities throughout the state. CDE is committed to engaging in meaningful topic-based research to better understand effective means of improving educational opportunities and outcomes for traditionally underserved student populations and the provision of resulting guidance to charter schools and their authorizers to address access and equity challenges.
More information on the Colorado Charter School Program
Links and Resources for Current Sub-grantees
- 2023-2025 CCSP Grant Budget Worksheet (Sample Budget FY22-23)
- CCSP Grants Fiscal Interim/Annual Financial Report Submission Form (Smartsheet)
- CCSP Grant Budget Revision Submission Form (Smartsheet)
- CCSP Final Grant Report Template (For schools exiting the grant as of 9/30/2024)
- 2023-2024 CCSP Grant Application and Renewal Process with Required Documents
- 2018-2023 Charter School Program: State Entities Grant
- CCSP Grant Progress Report Template (For Implementation Year 2 Schools operating in 2023-2024)
- Weighted Lottery Factsheet
CCSP Archives
Other CDE Grants and Awards
Grant Writing Technical Assistance
Resources on best practices for grant writing are below:
- Starting Strong: Best Practices In Starting A Charter School
- Colorado Department of Education Grant Writing Resources
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